Convexity series

When they had fallen to the lower level, the dragon had gotten caught in the beam of pure energy used to bring the dark master back. his small body had been flooded with dark power, turning his scales black and eyes blindingly white.

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The Malefor Chronicles Chapter 4: Stormy Clash

This dragoness was one of the first he killed as the dark master. he remembered killing her in the same fashion. she had challenged him and wanted to stop him, and he silenced her.

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TLOS Legend of the black dragon Chapter 1 Old journey, New mysteries

"i agree" spyro said" we have to tell them about the dark master... and... about... the fate of ignitus" spyro eyes darkened a little when he made the second point. cynder wanted to comfort him but she had no idea how so she just kept silent about it.

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Chapter 14: Just a girls day

"me and spyro found it a few days after he rescued me from the dark master, we come here to relax after a hard day of training or fighting darkness." cynder said. the space was a sight that would make anyone gasp at its beauty.

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spyro and cynder

Spyro and cynder defeated the dark master then the world was breaking up into pieces and spyro used his fury to bring the world back together.


The Elemental Blade: Chapter 5

In one of their conversations, spyro mentioned the dark master or malefore, as he believed that was his name. link finally asked, "i've been hearing about this dark master quite a lot. who is he?"

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Chapter 11: A dark secret unfolds

With a blood curdling laugh that made even the dark master shiver galinoth replied. "the blood fury!" he shouted at the top of the voice. with another roar he lunged at the darkmaster.

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Chapter 6: The Great One Incarnate

"ha...ha...ha..., you call me a freak, you are the one who has dedicated his life to the corrupt being known as the dark master." the strange warrior replied. "dark apes' attack!!" skullblaze bellowed.

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Chapter 10- actions show what words can't / Alls fair in love and war

"no" answered ryan, they hadn't heard from maverick in nearly 3 years, he had gone off by himself to find an old friend and to tell dragons everywhere that the dark master was gone, although he would take care not to reveal himself as the dark master and would

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 18

With it all the bad and good memories were gone, starting from both young dragons birth to the dark master's rule just to end with the saving of the world.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 9

They have captured cynder and for spyro that was the only thing that mattered at that time and the dark master knew that.

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new guardians part one

Demetrius son of the dark master malefor stares into a pool of visions in hoping to find a being of pure darkness to revive his father and help take over the world since spyro is now gone for good.
