TLOS Legend of the black dragon Chapter 1 Old journey, New mysteries
The legend of Spyro
Legend of the black dragon
Chapter 1 Old journey, New mysteries
"Uuurrg" Spyro moaned, slowly opening his eyes to look around. His groggy scan of his surroundings revealed that he was laying inside a valley that looked vaguely familiar to him. He could barely remember what had happened but he could feel his body ache all over. However slowly it then all started to come back to him: the battle with Malafor, the destruction of the world and his endeavour to save it.
With his memories back in line he now saw that he was laying in the valley of Avalar. Recognising it by the green hills and high mountains that he and Cynder had all been in search of Meadow.
"Cynder" Spyro now lifted his throbbing head and frantically looked around despite that he couldn't even stand up. Luckily he found her laying unconscious just a few metres away.
Using what little strength he still had left he slowly scrambled to his feet his body screaming for him to lay back down. However he managed to crawl up to Cynder his body itching from the battle and slowly got to her. When he was standing over her he saw that she wasn't injured and looked like she was only asleep. Half because he was now assured that Cynder was fine but also because he just couldn't stand up anymore Spyro collapsed next to her sleeping body and feel unconscious again.
After a few hours Cynder started to wake up and as she was just as dazed as the purple dragon was she looked around to figure out what had happened. She saw that Spyro was laying right beside her his side touching hers as it rose and fell. She smiled at the sight of him sleeping but being okay. She had no idea how they had escaped from the centre of the world but that didn't matter anymore. She and her love were safe now and could finally rest. She had finally been able to say to Spyro that she loved him and therefore she no longer had to hide it. Despite that her body was still very tired she was feeling full of life again and her having her beloved next to her made her feel totally happy. She pressed her lips softly against his sharing her joy with him. Spyro instantly woke up, jumped back and stood in his battle position ready for an non-existing attack. Cynder giggled as she was very amused and Spyro just looked away, feeling very embarrassed.
After they both had woken up they started to talk about what had happened. Then they realized that they had won the war against Malafor for good now. They could hardly believe it. It was over! The pain, the sacrifice, the losses, the fighting, it was all gone now.
"I can hardly believe it is over!" Spyro exclaimed. "We have beaten Malafor and the world is saved from his evil". Spyro looked towards Cynder as if expecting an answer from her.
"Well I guess we go back to Warfang to inform the guardians of our victory" she suggested.
"I agree" Spyro said" we have to tell them about the dark master... and... about... the fate of Ignitus" Spyro eyes darkened a little when he made the second point.
Cynder wanted to comfort him but she had no idea how so she just kept silent about it.
They started to walk back towards the dragon city of Warfang, enjoying the landscape and the peace they both fought so hard for. They decided not to fly but to walk the journey home not only because they were tired but also to prolong the journey. They wanted to be able to take in the moment and to enjoy there time together. But the peace and beauty was quickly interrupted when they saw a dead wyvern laying next to a broken tree (the wyverns where Malafor's Arial soldiers). Having seen death wyvern's by the thousands they dismissed it as a combat death and continued on their journey. However as they continued they quickly spotted another dead Wyvern and after that another one. The bodies of the death Wyvern laid everywhere on the landscape. There where hundreds of them!
"Wow where did all these beasts come from?" Spyro asked.
"Well I guess there must have been a pretty intense battle here" Cynder suggested.
"yeah I guess so but come take a more closer look this one" Spyro said
Cynder walked up to one and saw that the viscious blood of was running out of the multiple wounds of the beast. Indicating that it's heart was still pumping and it therefore it must still be alive.
When they looked at some of the other wyverns they concluded most of them were alive or had died only moments before. Their mystery was solved by a loud shriek in the sky. "What was that!" Spyro gasped looking confusedly around.
"Look there!!!!!" Cynder screamed.
Spyro looked and was struck by what he saw.
Just over the tree tops he was shocked to see the evil Cynder viciously fighting against a few dozen wyvern in the sky.
"Cynder! but how!?" Spyro exclaimed looking to the side and luckily he saw Cynder still standing next to him in her teen form with a similar bewildered look on her face.
The two dragons looked at the black dragoness battling the screaming beasts for what seemed like an eternity
"but how can this be!"
They where struck back to reality when the black dragoness clenched and it was then that they saw she was injured and looked very tired. At that moment a dozen wyvern's lunged at her and completely covered her and she fell towards the ground.
"Spyro you've got to save her!" Cynder shrieked while she shot up in the sky to chase the remaining wyvern's away. Knowing what to do Spyro raced to save the black dragoness but he saw he was not going to make it in time. Thinking fast he shot an earth missile in front of him which exploded below the dragoness, stopping her fall for a second. This second was all that he needed and Spyro shot under the dragoness and she landed on top of him.
"Ough!" Spyro exclaimed as he fell from his feet as the large adult dragoness fell on him.
When Spyro crawled out from underneath the dragoness he was attacked by the wyvern that where blasted off of her when he shot his earth missile.
He opened his mouth and unleashed an storm of electric energy at the shrieking beasts, completely incinerating them
He looked up to see Cynder coming down after destroying the Wyvern's with her poison element
"Who do you think she is?" Wondered Spyro.
"I have no idea" said Cynder alighting next to him "but it doesn't really matter now. She needs help fast" Cynder gasped as she looked at the number of wounds covering the body of the black dragoness.
"You go and treat her the best you can and I'll go and find some red crystals" Spyro said before rushing of into the woods.
"Well guess I better get to work" Cynder thought. While using her shadow breath to numb some of the worst wounds.
After a few minutes Spyro returned while carrying a dozen torn red crystals on his back held down by his wings.
He put them down next to the black dragoness and walked up to Cynder.
"How is she?" he asked.
"I think she will be fine after we give her some red crystals" Cynder answered.
"Alright" Spyro smashed a some of the torn crystals he brought and Cynder did the same.
The shard of the smashed crystals magically flew up to the dragoness and into her wounds, healing them instantly.
"Urg" the black dragoness moaned as she slowly started to wake up.
"How are you doing?" Spyro asked slowly moving up to her.
"Stay away from me!" the dragoness suddenly shrieked and lashed out with her tail blade with surprising speed.
The blade was aimed at his heart but Spyro jumped back just in the nick of time and the blade cut his side instead leaving a large wound. Blood started to drip from the large cut on his shoulder.
The black dragoness immediately leaped back in the sky with new energy as if her very life depended on it and before Cynder or Spyro had even realized what was happening she was already gone.
"What was that about" asked Cynder who was looking the other direction and therefore missed what had happened
"Well she woke up, lashed at me and flew off" Spyro answered.
"That is very strange" Cynder said wondering what it could be about.
"Spyro you are wounded!" Cynder exclaimed when she saw the large cut in his shoulder.
"Don't worry about it Cynder" Spyro assured her.
"We have been through worse and besides" , he nodded towards the pile of red crystals that was still laying just a few meters away, "We have plenty amount of healing crystals"