The Day And Life Of An Umbreon-Chapter 1
"fuck here we go the start of a new year" dylan said sarcasticly "fanfuckingtastic" as they got closer they recognised the shape of a familier eevee. "jorden!!" jack shouted. right in dylans ear. jorden happend to be jacks little brother in year 8.
The Calendar of Ocus
Perihelion was selected to mark the start of the new year. she painstakingly assigned the months to the gods by the lay of the seasons and solar holidays.
Why am I here chapter 4
\*makes his way to the front door\* we'll be back on new years. sam: alright. \*turns the volume up and sits back against the couch\* jake: \*picks up sam and teasingly shoves his face in his recently washed armpit\* i'll be back soon.
Mewthree's Christmas Carol - Alcohol
In a different region, quite far to the west a large group of pokémon were having a zest having temporarily changed itself into more of a cabaret stood the otherwise humble and homely ledian's café "merry \*hic\* new year!"
For the Best (PART 1) By Jayden Day
._ as ellie sits on her bed, crying from the now finished wave of abuse, she thinks about what life was like before her mom died. 2 years ago, life seemed perfect, everyone was happy; and new years had just passed, leaving everyone with their newly
Stalwart - Under the Surface Chapter 9
"you couldn't even show up to his new year ritual on time. you're pathetic. so full of yourself that you never considered why he was so hard on you."
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 4
We also decided that the day should begin at sunrise every 15 degrees of longitude on new year's day and we would use a 24-hour clock. therefore, the official start of the new year is at sunrise on the first day of spring which is 2400 on our clocks.
Clown Mare 4-1
It was just a new year where spring is first. i once had a pet however; it was more of a plover and the name was mily." she opened her eyes and rubbed her left hoof near her left dramatic arch. the bird chirped several times.
I welcome you to a new year on rivermonde high! i am principal verban. when you signed up for the year, you gave your personal information including your e-mail address.
The hunter becomes the hunted (part1)
\*bang\* and the bottle splits right in half. everyone shouts and cheers, sounding like new years night. i put my things away and we start the trip home. we get home and the guys disperse leaving me and cory. cory is the spitting image of me...
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 13: Corporate Business
"happy new year, dude." max pulled him close and gave him his fist. "how was your vacation? bet the campus was empty." "happy new year, too." the wolf gave a fist bump and smiled fondly. "it was.
In The Doghouse: Chapter Eight
He welcomed the new year with open arms.