Clown Mare 4-1


#14 of Clown Mare

Chapter 4.1

One o'clock in the morning.

Rane turned her body to the left side, her ears perked up, while her eyes were shut.

"This place seems to feel like home. However, it's not. Oh, how I miss Cloudsdale and my childhood friends."

Before she was sold to the family of Mooncrest.

Rane woke up rubbing her eyes with her left hoof. "Today I'm four years old. It was time to show what I can do."

The air was so thin up in the sky while the sun shines bright upon Equestria. The sun moved up from the east with that massive cold breeze from the northwest.

"My parents opened the door with that great look on their face. It was the best thing of a new day. I clearly got up from the bed with that great stamina of having that wonderful smile. It was just a new year where spring is first. I once had a pet however; it was more of a plover and the name was Mily."

She opened her eyes and rubbed her left hoof near her left dramatic arch. The bird chirped several times. It was a day where she had to go to her first school.

"There I was getting to school on this one day. Many pegasus and parents were there. Some of the younglings flew just as I had. However, I never knew that the sky was the limit. On that very same day we went to school. However, leaving the parents behind. It was kind of cool to play with all the kids there. We all laughed, played, and even made lots of jokes. It was then I came to realize that I was happy."

"So, there she went as she flew with her friends that day. The best time of her happy days knowing it could fall so far."

Rane woke up from her bed in her room of the mooncrest. She sighed and put her left hoof on her face and rubbed it left, right, and a few sideways.

"A new day to hate life. How could it be possible? The life I live in now is decent but my talent was to be a clown. I never got to the full extent of my cutie mark and the meaning behind it. If only I could understand why. Those days when that strange pony turned me in like he was a heartless pony. What was his name again?"

Few early years of Rane time when she was just a filly of age six.

Rane had watched the circus act when she was little at the age of five. In her room she started to juggle.

"The only way to get my cutie mark is to show people what I'm good at."

She then juggles in the room and missed one of the balls as it went on the ground.

"Maybe juggling isn't my kind of thing anyway. However, if I could try hard, I might make it to the big leagues."

"As I thought I could do it. But the thing was how it all ended almost my life. I was near the entrance to the door at that time when the door opened and one of my balls fell out of my left hoof. I went for it and went through the cloud not knowing how windy it was at the bottom. There I was falling down with my wings shut tight trying to get the ball. I then got the ball however I glided down with my wings open not knowing how to land or fly back up. It was very windy so strong that I flew backwards instead of forwards into the mountain. Once I hit hard on the cliff my wings quickly bend the wrong way and broke both of them at the same time. That was the day that I will never forget the horrors that cursed me to this very day. However, not even my parents knew where I was."