Tale Di Vi Jekivemiv: The Prologue.
There is a place known as Whelcott. A large, lively, sea-side city. It is well known for its sunny days, good trade, and most of all the yearly celebrations. Yet, like most places in the world, Whelcott suffers from dark rumors. Said rumors are about...
Slathalin: The Prologue.
A new morning, the refreshing scent of morning dew on the freshly cut green grass across the lawn lifting into the air as nothing more than a small tint to the pure yet somewhat chilly atmosphere. Indeed, it was quite a relaxing start to the new day....
Zootopia: Brave New World - Shocking Developments
#5 of zootopia: brave new world "attention, please!"
The Ancient Bronie - chapter - awakening to the new world
world filled with you ponys.
Fursonalized, Chapter 2 - A Whole New World
Anything from here on out will be entirely mine and uninfluenced. ;) a whole new world a new fantastic point of view no one to tell us no or where to go or say we're only dreaming [...] now i'm in a whole new world with you.
A New World, A New Journey Chapter 6
Chapter 6 The First Battle! _"So, here we are."_ I thought as I looked outside of my Pokeball and saw Viola's Gym in front of us. We entered and Viola greeted Calem. "I hope you have been training hard, because I will not get easy on you." She...
A New World, A New Journey Chapter 5
Chapter 5 The first Gym. I watched from my Pokeball as we entered the Arena. It looks really like in the anime. The battlefield surrounded from plants. It looks like we were in a jungle or something. Calem took place at one side of the field and...
A New World, A New Journey Chapter 3
**Chapter 3 Anger and Forgiveness** Luna paced in her Cave from one side to the other. She really hoped Mew would have some good news when she gets back. After they came out of the Portal, Luna noticed that Nils was not with them. He lost his grip...
A New World, A New Journey Chapter 2
**Chapter 2 Wakey Wakey Sunshine** I awoke with a gasp for air. I didn't know where I was or how I got here. I looked around and found myself in a room, similar to a Hospital-Room. I was lying on a soft bed and was covered in a white blanket. My...
A New World, A New Journey Chapter 1
**Chapter 1** **Pokemon Journey** The Grand Canyon. A really beautiful place. And a perfect place to catch a new Pokemon! It was one month after the release of the newest Pokemon Game called "Pokemon Go!". I was one of the first to got the new game...
Revivlal of the self in a strange new world (WT)
Having trouble with the way the site keeps altering my text when i try to upload it, i'm looking for some feedback, i plan on writing this novel and hope to eventually have it published the mc is reborn into a new world after being killed on earth, he will
Zootopia: Brave New World - New Jobs
#18 of zootopia: brave new world a new day rises, and while the meta mammals prepare to try to get some jobs, bogo has his own kind of job ready... "alex." the familiar voice called somewhere in the distance.