Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 1
May the great ones look over captain maxwell--and all these poor souls we mourn today--into the next world beyond our own. amen."
Shadow of a Freelancer Ch 19.) Broken Lucidity
"great, one more thing for me to hate them about... let's see, let's see." rrahkarr said and tried to think of a way to help aurora get back to sleep.
Dead Years
There will be no more dead years, only great ones.
Picture This
He isn't very good with cameras, which is why they didn't do so great. one time he secretly tried to take a picture of his brother sleeping with his finger up his nose; but miles forgot to turn the flash off so... it didn't turn out well for him.
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 25
However, i replied, "great one, perhaps you should read the agreement out loud." by the time i said this, the entire ishoo'se aka'ny was filtering into the room from the back of the suala ka'ynony.
My First Party - Chapter 1: Memories
Now you're in a great one!" the earthmare looked down at the bedsheets below. "i've thrown so many parties. i have memories of all the best ones. they were great... but i always think about the first one. my first ever party.
Waxing Moon Ch. 4 - Attraction Blues
This has been a great day... a really great one!" whatever feeling of disappointment jack might have had from losing his last contest seemed to have faded after he'd been stricken by the love bug.
Maxwell 2
If nothing else, it'll add another great one to your list. and besides, where are you going to find a movin' pitchur house that offers specially-seasoned cheese popcorn, free soda, and a big bear pillow to lean on, all for one low admission price?"
Song of the Huntress - Part 3
You keep this up; you could be one of the great ones." "so should i be able to handle the wolves in the area?" "oh most definitely.
Mage chapter 1
"a great one, if you ask me!" the husky interrupted with a grin, his fluffy, curled up tail wagging in excitement.
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 15
I have never heard him called anything except ka'yno and great one. why do you ask?" "oh, no reason in particular. i was just wondering." once again he was quiet as if he were deep in thought.
Sonata's Story - Chapter Six
A great one." she looked away, out towards the horizon, as if at something only she could see. "he will find a home with a great trainer, and grow up to be strong.