Chapter 4: My life with Skye

He slowly opened his eyes, getting up, balancing himself as he wobbled. he stood up, straight, and looked around him. something was... different. he looked around himself once more. he was lying on some sort of computer generated grass.

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FlashFic: Roadside Assistance

Good thing it didn't happen on one of the more inclined stretches along here, you might've just gone off the edge somewhere, and there'd be almost no trace... hey, steady there, hunter, you look a little wobbly on your pins...

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Chimera - Chapter 11

Even though the video was filmed wobbly with continuous enlargements, it was the same scene from another angle. afterwards, he hesitated between being extremely irritated and stunned by the couldn't-give-a-damn approach of those who filmed the scene.

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Waiting for the Notification

His mental state was wobbly going into the evening and he was missing quite a bit _before_ he'd mouthed off to his friend. for all he knew, he'd sent them into an ignore-spiral. or something. he didn't know. fuck it. he was going to send a message.

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Warming up the ice part 23 and 24

" ice. " stuart said coldly standing up on his wobbly legs, by nala ,who was still snaring at the intruders. " why is the youngster human leader son,who was going to make history by marrying a bitch ."

Dream log entry 00a.5

Dj and me are standing in the middle of one long road and all of a sudden the road wobbles like crazy(dubstep song) all theese zombies come up from the sides here n there we run to get to high grounds and the road floats us to a tall building and me

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It's a Hit?

His padded chest and bloated gut jiggled in response, wobbling even as the mighty burp trailed off. the plump dragon halted in his lazy path towards the sparkling planet, slamming his chest with a wide fist. "whew!"

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Ailee and Jolee [<1k words]

The car wobbled with uncertain suspension and the sun flashed off the prominent yellow beak from behind the windscreen. the wave in return wasn't as eager, but still conveyed its own excitement. the eyes squinting in an eye-smile. "joleee!"

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Jar Jar's Bizarre Adventure - Exodus - Chapter 3

I followed my wobbling shadow between walls of rough stone, my feet padding upon a well-trodden path. my shin briefly banged into some dusty old cobwebbed boxes filled with broken mining tools, but i managed not to hurt myself.

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Eggceptional Get Away: Kickaha 2

The notebooks on the edge of the desk wobbled slightly... and proceeded to do absolutely nothing and stay up there. well... they say the definition of insanity was repeating the same task and expecting a different result.

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Drunken Lullabies #14

And the two tossed the surprisingly light bartan blimp into the air, where the series of whit bubbles wobbled a bit. "get him higher!"

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V for Vore

The tiger had been far too fat to struggle more than some sluggish wobbling and a lazy step or two before he just plopped down onto his prodigious ass and gave up.

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