thordani race stats

Posted using postybirb thordani race stats ability score: your wisdom score increases by 2 and your dexterity score increases by 1. age: thoradan reach maturity around 2 years, and their gender divided society leads to different life expectancy.

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15 Legend

Tensions that may have sparked civil unrest elsewhere were handled with an almost supernatural grace, eloquence, and wisdom.

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of stone, water and air

Land and sky felt pity for ocean and stopped their assault. so that they would never forget oceans betrayal they made a new being. one that had the wisdom of sky and the patience of land. one that could fly with the speed of the wind, and walk with the

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Jhuthi Rsi Ka Gana

This is the story of medhavi whose wisdom was limited only to the renunciation of life.

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The Warrior Of White ~ Prologue

Who saw the future with her eyes of wisdom and sat in her shrine at the end of the town. she said in wise words that a warrior of rare white fur shall be born to defeat the wolf of flame.


Guidance Domain

Potent spellcasting starting at 8th level, you add your wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip. guardian of hexes starting at 17th level, your power to remove burdens overlaps your healing.

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The shaman of the sun

Huleo had never quite understood that, but he hoped that someday truth and wisdom of that statement would appear to him. he hadn't found what exactly came from the sunrise, he didn't know. only peace.

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Sky Defender: Family Feast (Chapter 4)

"bravery and intelligence does not equal wisdom." "i suppose you'd know all about wisdom, wouldn't you?" malet said into his food. ginzeil glared at him. "yes. i am most wise.

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 2

Those who had never been in battle would receive the eyes of the cora on their foreheads and the backs of their hands to guide them and give them wisdom.

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The End and The Beginning - Character Sheet - Aran Winwood

(good) bond: locked flaw : locked ability scores menu score racial bonus /final score strength 13 +2 15 (+2) dexterity 11 12 (+1) constitution 14 +3 17 (+1) intelligence 11 11 (+0) wisdom 11 11 (+0) charisma 12 13 (+1) [features & traits] second

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Move Along

It's my raw unfiltered wisdom pouring out. all these questions, why and what next? i'm so used to being alone. now it's like the medicine delivered too late. can't revive. so many questions like how and when?


Legends of Mundus Ch3-5

The oceans mixed with the blood of solano gave new life to new creatures like the unikrons, lycos, and the lotori, creatures who inherited solano's strength, wisdom, and emotion.

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