Legends of Mundus Ch3-5

Story by MaxL8 on SoFurry

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Ch.3: The Rebirth of life and the Titans.

The Oceans mixed with the blood of Solano gave new life to new creatures like the Unikrons, Lycos, and the Lotori, creatures who inherited Solano's strength, wisdom, and emotion. And the Nuloks with the similar forms of Ancients but with the angry power of Solano they were feared and hated because the power was so overwhelming that Most Nuloks go mad and destroy themselves and everything around them in a murderous rage. Then out of the primordial sea came the majestic race of the Titans, who not only inherited the strength and size of the Sun Dragon, but the purity and radiant's of it as well. They watched over the small creatures, like guardians. The Unikrons and Nuloks eternal feud died down and Mundus was at peace.

Ch.4: The age of Steel.

The Titans mined Solano's scales from the ground, and found it retained the Dragons Power They forged swords that were so light that they'd could wield with ease, and armor so strong it made their warriors invincible. They built ships so massive it was hard to figure out how to generate enough power to run it. So they the Sun of the Dragons Heart by using panels that absorbs the mighty of rays of Solano's power. These colossal ships of Land, Sea, and Air were the very essence of Solano forged from his gleaming body. They had a Wind turbine for the airships, engines for their land and Sea ships, scattering the Titans and creatures as they carried their civilization across the world.

Ch.5: The Birth of Magic.

The Titans civilization was burst with new art and technology. Their cities flourished with culture, as gleaming towers were hammered out of Solano's Scales and touched the sky. From this Fusion of the Titans artistic passion, and the unlimited power of Solano along with the natural elements, a new kind of creation was born. It was intense like the Dragon's fire, the power of the earth, the speed of the wind, and the Pureness of the Sun Dragons Light. It was a new Era for the World, and they called it the Magical Era.

Legends of Mundus Ch1-2

Ch.1: Solano and the Ancients. In the beginning, Mundus was swallowed in darkness nothing but one lonely light in the sky. The Ancients where so used to it that they could see in the darkness. While some preferred it others grew tired of the darkness...

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