Races of Mundus-Lycus
**Lycus (Lie-cus)** A Wolf like tribe. **Demeanor** Much like their wolf counterparts, Lycus tend to have a strong sense of protection for their kind. They are a highly gregarious race who are very connected to nature but also fierce hunters....
Races of Mundus-Felion
**Felion (fell-e-on)** A predominantly female race of hunters, the Felion is easily identified by their ears, which give them spectacular hearing ability, and their long tails, which result in an unparalleled sense of balance. **...
Races of Mundus-Lotori
**Lotori ( low-tor-e)** A Scavenger race who are known for their stealth and thieving reputation. **Demeanor** The Lotori tend to secretive and hide away from the other races due to them being stereotyped as a race of thieves and cheats and are...
Races of Mundus-Humans
**Humans** Decedents of the Titans, a versatile Jack-of-all-Trades race. **Demeanor** Because of their versatility and connection towards the Titans, they can perform well in every role. They may succeed slightly more in well-rounded positions...
Legends of Mundus Ch 10-11
Ch.10: The Darkest Night Three months passed after making Arcadius their new home, and after those three months of preparing they are now ready for what will be forever known as the Darkest Night, the biggest war in history. It was nightfall and this...
Legends of Mundus Ch 8-9
Ch.8: The Dark Siege Uprising. The Nulok wanted to annihilate the Humans and Unikrons. But the only thing of that they found was a single hammer left behind by the Titans. They tried to withdraw its power, however the power from the hammer mixed with...
Legends of Mundus Ch 6-7
Ch.6: Rise of the Gods and the Advent of Humans. After growing and advancing for millennia, the Titans were great, all-knowing entities of perfection, which could no longer be confined by this earthly plane. In the final stage of their evolution they...
Legends of Mundus Ch3-5
Ch.3: The Rebirth of life and the Titans. The Oceans mixed with the blood of Solano gave new life to new creatures like the Unikrons, Lycos, and the Lotori, creatures who inherited Solano's strength, wisdom, and emotion. And the Nuloks with the...
Legends of Mundus Ch1-2
Ch.1: Solano and the Ancients. In the beginning, Mundus was swallowed in darkness nothing but one lonely light in the sky. The Ancients where so used to it that they could see in the darkness. While some preferred it others grew tired of the darkness...