The Hero's Journey: A Journey of a Hero v1.01
The hero's journey: a journey of a hero's logo sat there for a good minute before it said "updating, please wait." huh. could've sworn i already set it to update before i left today.
A Shawkingly Good Christmas Break
We ask that everyone remain calm and tune in every half hour where we will have more updates as this progresses."
Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 6
I'm going on a little trip to visit with my sisters, so there will be no wednesday update. but not to worry! i shall update twice on friday to make up for it. ;) this has been the sixth subchapter in my serial novel, "ander".
"unnamed" - Chapter One.
updates are coming. major revisioning is as well. i am re-doing a lot of this book. there will be an update this friday. chapter one will remain only slightly unchanged. in other words, re-reading it won't be needed.
Fleabag and FANG: Chapter 2
Expect a short update in mid april for the 1 year anniversary of the original greentext and an actual update in may, i've had a bunch of life shit to deal with.
Im back... sorta
A public update hi y'all, this is the best way i have to make sure this reaches people. i am alive, i'm not dead or anything. i just got busy with life and then i forgot about this place. what can i say? it happens to the best of us.
Part two is up!
So that means that i'm gonna try to update whenever i can. can't wait to go with another amazing journey with you all ^~^
Squirrel Tree Inn
updates on sundays. deep in the boundary of the oakthorn forest, nestled beside the road that leads from brambleward to sunnydown, you will find the squirrel tree inn.
Harbingers Ch2: The Innocent
"i know, i know relaih, your tired of the updates, but archmage landris feels that you should be kept updated on what we know of the harbingers, and i personally agree.
Episode 10: The Tour
| original membership | last updated: november 12th, 2023 | at stuff em'z, you can earn these things called _stuff em points_ (sep).
A Home Away From Home - Chapter 1: Alone In a Sea of People
"now to update my resume... this is gonna be fun."
Wolf and Deer - Part Eleven - Heritage
#12 of wolf and deer a late update is better than no update at all. ^.^ mrawr! effect follows cause as thunder follows lightning but if just causes had nice effects only we'd all be living a dream.