Having attached themselves, the tentacles then ripped the body they had enveloped asunder, tearing apart arms, ribs, organ systems, and bone in a bloody spray.
Spiral Nebula - Prologue
The other guard fled, leaving the frog to defend for himself against the reptile with tentacles sprouting from the body. keeping the arms away from his throat, alberto struggled for the sword at his belt.
A boy and a dragon a tail of two friends #2
The wave created by the thing swamped the tiny boat, it raised its head the sky and roared its tentacles ensnaring the boat.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 24
The coiled tentacle around her wrist tightened its grip, just by a small margin however, as if intentionally not wanting to cause her discomfort, as if testing her.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 42: Nothing Ever Is Going To Be Enough
She ran to one of cassia's outstretched tentacles sobbing. "hon hon, remember it is not life as we know it." the red tentacled eyeball said softly. "yes... right." she said, wiping her tears, composing herself and returning to her station.
The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 3
It was the size of a fist with small tentacles coming out of it. she placed it on my chest as it suddenly sprang to life and scurried to my mouth.
Phantom Chronicles: Chapter 6
_ cosmo yelled while hitting the monsters tentacles in a desperate fashion.
Enochian: Book 2, Chapter 20
The goatling said dumbly, as the drakkaren's tentacle retracted into his body, and the creature stared at him as he asked in a weak voice: "was that really necessary?" "completely."
Part 15 - What Was Destined To Happen
I closed my eyes as the monstrous thing put it's slimy tentacle around me and dropped me in it's slimy mouth, swallowing me whole.
Nether Encyclopaedia: Deep Ones
Accessories include: piercings or rings for their tentacles, shoulder pads made from a mixture of shells and stones and conducting materials for their electric abilities. traditions:- they don't have a certain tradition.
Cry Me a Murder (Part four) : A Strange Crunching Underfoot
"do you think it's the tentacle monster?" asked fernando. he was shaking, and struggled to keep the flashlight still. "nope," i said, examining the imprints. "tentacles from the abyss don't slither around in their bare feet.
Left 4 dead: no mercy. Chapter 1: the appartments.
A mouth from which the tentacle came from. damien understood that this 'tentacle' was actually a tongue. he remembered that scene. one such creature had done the same thing earlier. so he knew how to deal with that one as well. he aimed, and shot.