The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 3
After fall to his death, Nathaniel awakens in hell and finds out it's not such a bad place :/
The Origin of Shadow
Chapter 3
(Demon Seed)
I felt the water surround my body as the ice-cold embrace of death took my body whilst I closed my eyes and then suddenly nothing, just darkness. Although I did feel a little warm, I slowly opened my eyes to find that I was suddenly lying down on a floor in a strange room. I sat up and looked around to see fire and brimstone......this couldn't be...........I spent my life upholding justice and helping the weak. But this was........this was hell.
Demon: "Hey new guy"
I looked behind me to see a desk with a Demon standing behind it.
Demon: "Are you gonna lie there all day?"
He was a Rabbit with red fur and small horns, plus he only wore a loin cloth.
Nathaniel: "Erm......"
The Demon sighed.
I quickly got up and walked over to the desk, it was made out of wood and had a large and very thick book opened on it.
Demon: ""
Nathaniel: "Erm......N-Nathaniel"
Demon: "Do you have a second name?"
Nathaniel: "I don't have an official last name"
Demon: " just..........Nathaniel then......"
The Demon began to scan through his book to find my name, only this seemed so strange. I never imagined hell would be like this. It wasn't really that bad.
Nathaniel: "Erm.....Demon?.....I don't think I should be here"
Demon: "How so?"
He kept looking through his book without even a small glance at me.
Nathaniel: "I chose the path of a knight, I am a nobleman, I never hurt anyone and I never commited an act of evil. So why am I here?"
Demon: "I don't know, I just got this job a few centuries ago, I'm still finding stuff out myself, but there's some reason why your soul was judged to come here.....Ah-ha, here you says that........oh"
He looked up at me with a surprised expression on his face.
Demon: "You have to see the boss"
Nathaniel: "Who?.....Beelzebub?"
Demon: "That is an inherited title and not a name......but yes I guess you could call him that. He is the ruler of this half of hell afterall. Step on the Symbol on the floor and you shall be taken to him"
A glyph or something suddenly lit up on the floor and I slowly walked onto it with alot of hesitation, but nothing seemed to happen.
Nathaniel: "Erm......"
The Demon clicked his fingers as I was engulfed in lightning and in the blink of an eye I was in a different part of hell. I looked around to see if I was in another strange room, this one was at the top of a tower and only had 3 walls, a floor and a roof. There was nothing where the 4th wall should be, just a drop off the edge of the tower. I looked off the edge, the tower seemed to have no bottom, but I could see the entire realm of Hell. This tower......was an amazing building to say the least, a structure this tall would surely never stand in the Mortal realm. I was amazed, but I wasn't the only one in this room.
Atrun: "Enjoying the view?"
I turned around and saw another Demon sitting behind me on a throne made from bones wrapped in flesh dripping with blood. It was a horrofying thing to see at first glance.
Atrun: "So you are Nathaniel......It's a pleasure to finally meet you"
The Demon was Canid, Wolf. With black fur and scars all over his body. He wore silver pants made from metal with chains hanging off them. He had nothing on his upper body.
Nathaniel: "I do not think I should be here, I followed the path of....."
Atrun: "A Knight I know, the Gatekeeper-Demon you spoke to already told me. But destiny has placed you here for a reason, I really don't know the purpose of why you're here, I just know what to do next"
Nathaniel: "So what happens next?"
The Demon chuckled and stood up before approaching me, I took a few steps back in caution, but behind me was the edge of the tower, so I would fall if I went too far.
Atrun: "Well that depends entirely on you. And if you're willing to accept what is about to happen"
Nathaniel: "Explain"
Atrun: "I can give you the means to be revived in your realm with a bit of........extra help. Enough 'help' to take down Jericho and save the one you love"
Nathaniel: "What sort of 'help' are you offering?"
Deals with Demons were nothing to joke about, they always ended up backfiring and this was no exception.
Atrun: "I will bestow upon you the gifts of our kind and unlock your true potential"
I was shocked to hear this, my true potential? What did he mean, he was talking as if I already had Demonic abilities or capabilities. This had to be nothing more than Demon trickery.
Nathaniel: "I see through your lies, this is but a trick, you take my soul and once I have killed Jericho you take Resdayn too and he suffers down here for all eternity"
Atrun: "There is nothing that can happen to him down here that isn't nearly as bad as what Jericho will do to him, well.....him and the Dragon lords. And since it is only you and I involved in this contract it will only be us effected by it"
Surprisingly I began to actually consider this deal, but what choice did I have? Down here I was useless and I couldn't help Resdayn, but with this deal then I just might be able to save him. It was worth the risk of betrayal and even my soul. I let out a sigh and swallowed my pride.
Nathaniel: "What makes you think that even with your help I could beat Jericho"
Atrun: "It's simple, I don't know if you've noticed, but Jericho isn't the smart type and there's no way he could have formed his plan for power without help from someone pulling strings and manipulating the Dragons. Someone like.....oh.....I don't know......say a Demon"
Nathaniel: "Jericho made a deal with a Demon?"
Atrun: "Are you surprised? His insane lust for power leads many down this road. Your 'brother' is no different. So even if you found a way back to the Mortal-Realm there'll be no chance of you defeating him. But a Demon vs a Demon, then you might just put on a good show before one of you bites the dust"
Nathaniel: "Ok, but first I have one condition. You take my soul after all this and you leave Resdayn alone"
Aturn: "You think too little of me, I am honest to my word and even more honest with my deals. I shall not harm or touch Resdayn"
Nathaniel: "Then let's do this"
Atrun clicked his fingers as a table rose from the floor with straps on it whilst 2 Demoness' also entered the room. I knew what I had to do so I laid down on the table as the female Demons strapped me in.
Nathaniel: "What's this for?"
Atrun: "The process from Mortal to Demon is very painful.....for you. We're going to implant you with a Demon Seed"
And sure enough, one of the Demoness' approached me with a strange creature in her paws. It was the size of a fist with small tentacles coming out of it. She placed it on my chest as it suddenly sprang to life and scurried to my mouth.
Atrun: "Brace yourself kid, this is gonna be a fun ride"
The Demon Seed wrapped it's thin tentacles around my maw and stretched it open to the point where my jaw broke. I screamed and grunted in pain as it then began to force it's way down my throat and into my gut. The pain was unbareable as I passed out, yet for some reason, as my vision faded to black, I heared Atrun's voice echoing in my mind.
Atrun: "Rest now young one, for when you awaken you shall have the fury of hell at your disposal. No longer shall you go by the name Nathaniel, I christen you as Shadow, The Demon of Darkness. But do me one favour to repay this gift. Raise hell and spill some blood for me"
To Be Continued........