Target XY

"cool, i only have speed, telekinesis, and intelligence." i commented, watching the plants reach up out of the soil thanks to nura's magical potential, "i think you left a power of yours out, though.

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Tutorial (Part 2)

"yes, telekinesis proves most useful," zade said. "i'm sure syrion doesn't mind that i borrowed his sword. it is the crux of my strategy, after all. you see, that sword has been charged with magic. the second you were impaled, you became silenced. "no!

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Battle for Hadleigh Chapter 4: Clearing the Roads (Pt 2)

The drug is starting to wear off," aerendyl warned, seeing the salandit he carried via his telekinesis were beginning to stir.

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Explosions and Promotions

Vega is one of those few 'gifted' with telekinesis, and has been one of the better points for earning money. no need to buy scaled down ships, he can pilot those big wreckers just fine.

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Isolation-Excerpt 29-Scavenger Hunt

"the telekinesis modification", james said, "it should be three labs down." i started down the row of concrete buildings. when i reached the lab marked, 04. i opened the door and stepped inside.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 4

"no, we can only do telekinesis. i know you far more than your fathrak do. i heard you want a drink, yes. how about i suggest you a good qu'tan brsh?"

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The Lost Dragon Saga (Part IV)

"telekinesis is a life saver!" rak laughed. "the dead make such perfect puppets!" "rak!" karodnyth screamed. "i have to admit that i'm impressed," rak smiled. "you were so close, as close as possible, but alas you still cannot end me! despair!"

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Dire Straits

While the latter was preoccupied with cleansing himself, zade proceeded to direct his telekinesis at his sword, bringing it back into his possession. "still you insist on relying on that inferior thing!?"

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Chapter 23 - Hatred

Before odinty could take a swing at asuran, he yanked the monk back using his telekinesis and jumped forward. a mental barrier erected around his arm shielded him from the sword's edge.

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Anthrobird considerations

Past that there's a lot of genetic lottery involved and i don't have the numbers in front of me to make a lot of generalizations, but a few powers that are anecdotally more common in my experience are telekinesis and desolidification, but there

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Murder at the Speed of Life. (Part 5) Mean Gene W24

"like esp and telekinesis? i thought that was all bullshit." "more like code-breakers, hackers, people with photographic memories... that kind of thing." "sounds harmless enough." "harmless and inefficient.

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The Search for Sethis: Part 1

However, i did not have any control on my telekinesis as i threw him to a concrete half-wall with such a force it broke his spine, killing him instantly.

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