Dire Straits

Story by HowlingJustice on SoFurry

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#3 of Zade: Agent of Gaia

Gaia was a simple world until tragedy changed it. Zade, a once simple man, is now its custodian by default. To maintain order and enforce cosmic law are his duties. Zade is the Agent of Gaia.

Barely beginning to embark on his quest, Zade's progress is immediately hindered by a new foe and an old one.

Zade: Agent of Gaia

Dire Straits

"You need more than that, you hopeless moron," Teri said.

"That hurts my feelings!" Zade pouted.

"You're an adorable moron," Teri replied.

"That's sweet," Zade said.

Teri helped Zade pack for the long journey.

"What if you came with me?" Zade said.

"What?" Teri asked.

"With you by my side... I'd be unstoppable," Zade said,

"Zade, I'm not like Sara," Teri responded. "I'm staying here, and I'll be here when you return."

"That's what I want to hear," Zade replied. "I was just teasing. I can't worry about protecting you from harm when I got to focus on overcoming whatever challenges come my way."

"Well, don't get so focused on being a hero that you forget about their wedding!" Teri shouted.

"We don't know when it's going to be!" Zade replied.

"Be mindful and try to check in," Teri said.

"I'll do my best," Zade replied.

Zade hit the road. A lot was on his mind as the distance between him and the town grew, and when it was out of sight, his adventure had truly begun.

"What do you hope to accomplish?" asked a suddenly appearing man.

"Who are you!?" asked the freaked Zade.

"I asked a question first. It's not polite to ignore someone. Didn't your mother teach you manners?" the stranger teased.

"Mama said don't talk to strangers," replied an angered Zade.

"My, my. With an attitude like that, you won't make any friends. You'll need friends in your line of work," the stranger grinned.

"You know nothing about me!" Zade shouted.

"I know everything about you Zade. I also know about what's going on with Gaia. See, a war is coming. There are those who welcome the developments and will desperately seek to claim all that is new for themselves, and those who wish to have Gaia keep the status quo and will vehemently reject all that is new. That sword you wield will attract the former, and will see you chased off by the latter. In any case, tensions between the the two sides will escalate until war breaks out- beautiful, beautiful war!" the stranger spoke.

"I'm warning you," Zade said. "You haven't done anything yet, so it better stay that way. Don't get any ideas."

"Heavens, no! I'm content to sit back and watch the show!" the stranger said before disappearing.

"War?" Zade questioned. "Is Gaia capable of such horror?"

Zade continued down the path he embarked upon, more pensive and contemplative than when he began.

"You!" shouted a nearby voice.

Zade became attentive when he felt himself pulled towards the individual. He was thrust to the ground.

"How fortunate am I that my revenge will be realized sooner than expected," the man laughed.

"I see that it only took a day for you to get your hands back. How nice," Zade sneered with his face in the dirt.

The man raised him up by raising his hand. "Go ahead and mock me. However, I guarantee that your last breath will be a futile plea for mercy."

"I'm sorry that I thought you were only a petty thief. You're more than that. But why raid my town?" Zade inquired.

"I told you why. It's all about conquest and dominance. As far as I'm concerned, your town lost ownership of what remains and I was there to claim it," the man answered.

"But why? What for? For who?" Zade asked.

"For me of course!" the man exclaimed.

"No. Who are you working for!?" Zade interrogated.

"I don't work for anyone besides myself," the man replied.

"Don't play dumb with me. I'm the dumb one, but even I know that the only way you could master magic that is new to this world is if you trained in a world whose temporal velocity is much higher," Zade responded.

"I'm a quick learner," the man said.

"Perhaps. However, you couldn't master magic here when there were no masters here to begin with," Zade explained. "An alien presence is preying upon Gaia and you're a conspirator! Where did you go!?"

"I'll tell you where I was if you tell me where you were," the man said.

"I never said I went anywhere. I only indicated that I have knowledge of the function of space-time. You, on the other hand, basically admitted to being trained in another world. Who are they and what do they want!?" Zade questioned.

"I don't have to waste my breath on you. Now burn!" The man shouted as he conjured a ball of fire.

"You first," Zade replied. He readied his sword, and an emanating blaze ensued. For a brief moment it was prolonged. Once free from the telekinetic grasp, Zade made sure to back up a sufficient distance before ceasing the fire.

"That's a neat trick," responded the man, who restored his charred flesh. Once healed, he did not hesitate to yank the sword from Zade's hand and toss it far behind him. "You can try to pull it back to you but I will just force it back behind me before it reaches your hand."

Zade scowled.

"A sword is a child's toy. Magic is a man's weapon. Haven't you realized that, having learned it?" The man questioned.

"Most of my vague recollections have evaporated. Such is the fate of dreams. However, yes, I can cast spells with what I can yet recall," Zade responded.

"Dreams? You expect me to believe you learned magic in a dream?" the man laughed. "Within your subconscious was innate knowledge of magic?"

"So there's some stuff that they haven't told you," Zade stated.

"Enough! You're nothing without your sword. What you think you know is nothing compared to my mastery of magic!" the man shouted.

"You're not really a master of magic unless you know the forbidden spells," Zade commented.

"What are you talking about? Magic is magic. No one decides what anyone can and can't use. I am a master of magic and you can't say otherwise," the man replied.

"So what? It doesn't matter," Zade said. Aiming his hand forward, he had filled the face of his foe with dirt. While the latter was preoccupied with cleansing himself, Zade proceeded to direct his telekinesis at his sword, bringing it back into his possession.

"Still you insist on relying on that inferior thing!?" the man questioned.

* * *

"Having knowledge of magic is one thing, but being able to practice it is another," Syrion said. "A lot of people struggle to cast, and more people cannot cast at all. Your practice wasn't just effortless, it was effortless despite your mind being compromised. You possess innate potential that others can only dream of. Are you sure you do not prefer to pursue magic rather than swordsmanship?"

"Flamebrand is... a special kind of special. I have an obligation to use it. I will give up my life before I give up this sword," Zade answered.

* * *

"A true master of magic crafted this sword for me at his own expense! Say what you will, but nothing you say will change how I feel!" Zade exclaimed. Letting his emotions fuel his weapon, a sea of fire spread out, spanning from horizon to horizon. It proved to be an invalid action. Camouflaged by the eminent blaze, Zade did not detect the flaming counterattack. He fell to the ground in agony, his assault ceased. Once again, to his chagrin, his endeared weapon was separated from him.

That was a neat trick," said the man. "However, I have applied all necessary buffers which will ensure that I sustain no damage from your fire. By the time you die, you should realize how much of a fool you have been."

"Does it matter?" Zade questioned. "As a self-proclaimed master of magic, you already believe that you are guaranteed to be victorious. Therefore, by your logic, it makes no difference whether or not I use magic instead of a sword. So, does it really matter what I use? As someone who has more experience with a sword than with magic, of course I will choose the sword. It's totally logical to utilize what I am better off using which will then give me a better chance at survival. Perhaps the 'master' of magic cannot prevail against the use of an 'inferior' weapon?"

"You're going to regret suggesting that!" the man shouted as he launched another projectile.

Zade rolled out of the way then stood back up. "Everything has its advantages and its disadvantages. Maybe magic is more practical, so then the mage should not fear the sword, but the swordsman who can hold his own against him. Magic is the easy way out which I will not rely on. I will rise to the challenge to be_that_ swordsman!"

"How can you be a swordsman without a sword? You've been disarmed, and you'd have to defeat me to claim your precious weapon," the man responded. "Besides, you haven't actually used your sword. You've only cast fire from it. You call yourself a swordsman? You're a pathetic mage."

"How about you let me have my sword back, and I'll show you what I can do. Unless, of course, you're scared," Zade retorted.

"A tempting proposition. However, I am content with watching you desperately attempt to cast spells you don't know," the man said.

Zade scowled. Then he chuckled. "Is this my punishment for taking the easy way out when fighting Sythius?" he asked himself. "This could be fun!"

"You want to die?" the man asked.

"I'm not talking about death. I won't die. I am Gaia's only hope. I can't afford to die. You keep talking about how superior magic is, yet, the greatest mage ever didn't set me up to be a mage as well, but to be a swordsman. Magic is just a weapon like any other. If I accepted the idea that magic is superior, then I'd have to accept the idea that mages are superior people. However, the fact remains that some people go their whole lives without being able to cast even a single spell, and I refuse to believe they themselves are inferior from birth and until death. I won't allow your toxic mentality to poison society. People like me, people who think they're nobodies who can do nothing, need to know that they can find ways to achieve extraordinary things. I will find a way to beat you without my sword. I will dedicate my victory to them!" Zade exclaimed.

"I will dedicate your death to a prosperous future!" the man yelled.

The remnant knowledge I possess is insufficient, Zade thought. I'll have to develop a strategy, and soon. Distracted by his predicament, he failed to defend himself against an attack.

"Just standing there? Paralyzed by fear?" the man taunted.

"No," Zade laughed. "Did you forget?"

"Forget what?" the man asked.

"I know I will die if I lose, so I won't worry about losing or dying. I will win no matter what, because I keep telling myself I will win no matter what!" Zade shouted.

"Saying something and truly believing it are two different things. Either way, you're a fool!" the man mocked.

"So what? At least I'm a fool with a purpose!" Zade cheered.

"Oh?" the man questioned.

"I'll tell you what. Knowledge is both a power and a treasure greater than any magic or spoils. If you take me down, then I'll tell you everything I know in return for you leaving my village alone. If I take you down, then you tell me everything you know. Do we have a deal?" Zade asked.

"You would trust me to gain what you have to offer and not still go ahead and plunder your village anyway?" the man inquired.

"That's no concern of mine, because, I'm definitely not losing," Zade answered.

"The look on your face when I prove you wrong will be priceless!" the man resumed assaulting Zade.

"Still using elementary spells? Some master of magic you are," Zade taunted.

"You want to see master magic!? Suit yourself!" the man shouted. He pulled Zade toward him as he cast a magic trap on the ground some distance in front of him.

Zade was soon caught in the trap. Once ensnared, he was subsequently ravaged. He cried out in agony. Once the magic subsided, face down on the ground, Zade laughed. "I can do this all day," he said.

"Why you...You cocky bastard!" the man scowled.

"Am I? What a coincidence. That's exactly what you are," Zade responded as he picked himself up.

The man conjured a trap behind Zade and began to force him back into it.

Zade, quick to think, began to pull his sword toward himself. "Me or the sword, but you can't do both!"

The man, relenting, chose the sword.

Zade, taking advantage of the opportunity, caught the man by surprise and forced him into his own trap, making the villain suffer as he had only a moment earlier. He then reacquired his blade. "Enough is enough."

"Don't condescend me like you're better. I am the one who knows more magic!" the man snapped.

"I said enough is ENOUGH!!!" Zade stretched out his hand and streams of lightning came forth, striking his adversary.

The man then used a hand to put dirt in Zade's face. "You use my attacks against me, I'll do the same!"

"Would a master mage really resort to such a tactic?" Zade questioned as he purged the dirt from his face. Once his sight had been cleared, he realized his blade was yet again pulled away.

"Shut up and despair as I use your own weapon against you" the man aimed Flamebrand at Zade and attempted to cast flames from it. "Wha-What the hell!?"

"What's wrong?" Zade laughed. "A master mage can't use a simple sword?"

"Shut up!" the man yelled.

"I thought a sword was a 'child's toy.' To resort to such a tool... You're basically admitting that you're no master mage after all."

"SHUT UP!!!" the man screamed as he threw the sword to the ground.

"Let me show you how it's done," Zade repossessed the sword, and filled the area with fire.

The man proceeded to fill the area with ice magic. The two elements clashed.

The ice gradually overwhelmed Zade, who became staggered by the magic. His weapon was again forcefully distanced from him. He proceeded to close the distance between him and his enemy. He was inhibited by the fury of the cold assault; yet he continued to advance. Once within reach, Zade used one arm to embrace the villain.

" Wha-What do you think you're doing!?" the man panicked.

Zade used his other hand to force his sword toward him and impale the man's torso, distancing himself just in time. He then pulled the sword out and cut the man's arms off. Next, he knocked the man to the ground. "You're no petty thief- not anymore, at least. You're a petty pawn of some alien entity who desires to harm Gaia," Zade stated. "I've earned some answers. Now, talk."

"I... never... agreed to your deal. You must feel... special now that you have... that toy you call a weapon. You're a nobody... trying too hard to be somebody..." the man spoke with labored breath.

"Damn it!" Zade groaned. "I'm supposed to be apprehending people, not killing them!"

"How disappointing," spoke the stranger from before, once again appearing.

"You!" Zade exclaimed. "You're behind this, aren't you!?"

"Is that supposed to be a rhetorical question?" the stranger asked. "It sounds like you've already made up your mind. It sounds like asserting my innocence would be wasted breath. Yet, I confess... My role has nothing to do with that man. I was just a spectator, but the conflict between you two has just been too utterly, egregiously boring for my taste. I'm supposed to be keeping a low profile, but I feel compelled to intervene- to spice up the entertainment." The stranger cast a spell on the dying man, who, within seconds, began to morph into something heinous.

"What the hell did you do!?" Zade yelled as he made sure to get far away from the man.

"You know very well what I've just facilitated," the stranger stated. "Have fun fighting this fiend. I'll have fun watching." The stranger disappeared yet again.

Zade was left to fight the three-eyed, four-armed monstrosity.

The fiend, teeming with chaos, closed the distance between it and Zade in only a couple seconds. In a split second, it had conjured up pillars of dark fire that had swallowed him up.

He cried out in pain as he was subjected to the torment. He kept his sword in a death grip as he was sent flying back when the beast had sent forth forceful bursts of wind. By the time he was able to heal himself, the fiend was again in right in front of him.

The monster proceeded to grip him with one pair of arms, and whaled on him with the other.

He unleashed a fiery counterattack that lasted until the fiend relented. He then attempted to impale it. However, the tough, durable flesh proved difficult to penetrate. The flustered Zade was then punched in the stomach. The blow knocked him back a lengthy distance.

With a single leap, the beast landed at his feet. It attempted another attack, but he evaded the assault.

Zade, with his blade blazing, began an assault of his own. He slashed the fiend's feet, then moved upward, lacerating the legs, torso, and arms.

Before he could do any more damage, it again conjured up pillars that consumed him. It proceeded to again whale on him. This time, however, its fists were flaming.

Zade then unleashed lightning upon the beast countless times. He continued to get punched over and over, but the punches gradually became less forceful and more infrequent. Zade stopped casting lightning when he stopped getting punched. He had successfully paralyzed the fiend. He proceeded to blind it by using his sword to destroy its eyes.

It let out an ear-splitting scream before a rush of adrenaline brought an immediate end to its immobility. It became enraged. It thrashed about, knocking Zade off, and then got up. It started using magic erratically.

Zade, doing his best to avoid the chaotic assault, charged the monstrosity. However, the loss of its sight enhanced its hearing, and it subsequently detected him before he could strike. He was again knocked back and was then magically assaulted. "Two can play at that game!" He engulfed the area in flames.

The two continuously attacked each other and ended up simultaneously relenting after a short while.

Zade proceeded to muster up enough telekinetic force to lift the fiend high up into the air. Strained, he pushed himself to keep pushing. When he gave all that he could give, he forced the beast into the ground. Exasperated, he fell down onto his back. Frustrated, he cried out.

The fiend emerged from its small crater. It rushed toward Zade and took a leap in an attempt to jump on him.

Zade rolled out of the way and got back up. He screamed as he cast more lightning at the beast in another attempt to paralyze it.

It charged Zade and headbutted him, sending him back a considerable distance.

He didn't give up. He lifted his head and his hands and gave the lightning magic everything he had.

The fiend was yet again closing the distance. However, its speed rapidly declined. It tried to force its way forward, but stopped before it could get close enough.

Zade, again, got back up on his feet. He trudged forward. He was the one to close the distance, the advantage was again his.

As the beast roared, Zade shoved Flamebrand down its throat and conjured forth the burst of fire. It was cooked from the inside out. It didn't take long for it to die at long last. As the corpse fell to the ground, Zade pulled out the sword. Then, the corpse wasn't the only one to fall.

"How do Cid and Syrion do it?" Zade muttered as he dropped to his knees. "I need companions, but if I have them, I can't do my job. However, it seems I can't do it on my own, anyway."

"That's right. You are nothing, a nobody, a wannabe. You want validation and meaning to your insignificant life. As long as Gaia depends on you, Gaia is doomed. You don't have what it takes," spoke the stranger's voice.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Zade cried. "My mind's made up. I'd rather be safe than sorry. If saving Gaia means having help from others, then so be it; even if it means I have to hide the truth."

"Using deception and manipulation to further your own agenda? Are you truly a hero? You'd be better off on our side," the voice responded

"Whose side is that?" Zade inquired.

"Pledge your allegiance to us and you will learn all that you desire to know," the voice replied.

"If ignorance must persist, then so be it. I'll figure things out eventually," Zade answered.

"I'd love to see you try," the voice laughed.

Zade picked himself up. He mustered the strength to open a portal and walk through. He appeared before The Council. "I thought you Nine were supposed to alert me when a cosmic criminal was causing trouble in this world. Wasn't that the deal!?" he yelled.

"Calm yourself!" One voice shouted.

"You see all- or so you all say. My world, the one you're making me protect with my life, is apparently endangered by another outsider. I need to know who or what I'm dealing with," Zade responded.

"Such insolence!" Another voice exclaimed.

"These are unprecedented times," a third voice said.

"What kind of excuse is that!?" Zade snapped.

"The audacity!" the fourth voice shouted.

"The simple answer is that man apparently entered a Dreamscape, had his memories erased, and then from within the Dreamscape, his new life was forged. We have no knowledge of his name or his motives, save for his desire for war. To what end, that is not known. Though most definitely suspicious, he truly was of no significance until he made that fiend," explained the fifth voice.

"In other words, you really know no more than I do. This is ridiculous," Zade lamented.

"ENOUGH!!!" the sixth voice screamed.

"Stop worrying about the trivial details. Don't worry about who or what the threat is. Focus on stopping the threat before it escalates," spoke the seventh voice.

"I can't be prepared for the unknown," Zade replied.

"Be prepared for anything and everything," the eighth voice admonished.

"Now go. Waste no more time with us. Do what needs to be done, Zade, Agent of Gaia," the ninth voice commanded.

Zade departed and resumed his journey. He made some more progress along the path, but was again interrupted when he heard a scream. Refusing to ignore what was unfolding, he ran toward the situation.

To be continued...

Tutorial (Part 2)

Zade: Agent of Gaia Tutorial (Part 2) "What!?" Syrion questioned. "Did I just hear what I think I heard!?" "I guess dinner is going to be extra late tonight," Kadara said. "Do I just go home now, or is someone going to tell me who the hell Sythius...

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Tutorial (Part 1)

Zade: Agent of Gaia Tutorial (Part 1) "While a world's magical potential is yet relatively primitive, it can get by without intervention. There comes a point when that potential becomes too high to let the world be. That is when we take it upon...

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The Guardian Dragon Chronicles Awakening "Kardonyth, Acorech, Calic, Alakin. Can you hear me?" Cid asked. The four became paralyzed by overwhelming surprise. "Cid!?" Kardonyth questioned. "I- We thought you were dead! Kara was lying, then." "I am...

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