Flames: Chapter 9

He shakily, but surly, walked over to his m-249 standing in a corner. he had previously detached the ammo box, for safety. but it was right next to the gun. he attached the ammo box to the machine gun, and loaded it.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 3: The Story of Forest Hall

Our town would surly have been destroyed without the forest, the inhabitants killed. celibi helped us regrow after the catastrophe. it grew the forest to cover us up, and made the plants bloom year-round for decades afterwards.

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A Small Bounty - 5

The fennec's ears flicked back, his surly demeanor returning as the ai poked fun at him. "shut up, cres." "not lovers at all, definitely not." atimist didn't even respond to the tease.

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Chapter 1: Zennix

A particularly surly drake, clad in blue scales and clothes fit for a runaway prisoner, walked up to me with a snarl. "what, you got something to say old man?" he growled at me, blowing smoke in my face through his nostrils.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 17-Syralth And Tesselth

Syralth looked at wei with an empty face,i could see him slowly,but surly,inching his paw toward his revolver. "could that mean,i started to think,but quickly put it out of my head. "come,tyro adelind,syralth,she is awake."

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De nuevo Guerra. Cap. VII

Se entristecía cada minuto, hasta que se levantó a la cocina, comió en gran cantidad y escribió una nota que decía: "estaré en la cueva oscura, si llegas temprano ve a la salida de la cueva que se encuentra en el lado sur del campo de juegos. te amo.

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A Rose by any Other Name

"the same thing the princess put in me, its some kind of plant, seems benign enough and actually seems to have quite a few benefits, as i am sur-" i was explaining but was cut off short by a leaping tackle by the wolf.

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Foxy and Kitty- Episode 21

Kitten stood there giggling- trying not to laugh too loudly and kain turned around to glare in a generally surly way at them, teffy noticed a very smug kyle perched on top of another delicate high stool, looking surprisingly comfortable in his usual musketeerish

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Eyes like the Forest (6)

"anything else i can get you, sur? another drink, perhaps? maybe a bed for the night, if you're staying?" "hmm, can't say." no-longer-gray replied, finding his own smile coming a lot easier now. "not sure how long i'll be around.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep13

"um, sorry, we didn't mean to intrude," sasuga apologized, feeling embarrassed to have cut them off like this, but panja was rather grouchy about it, with a surly expression on his face. "no need to apologize!

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The Stonehouse Mysteries 1.3 - The Malicious Masquerade

I sipped the brackish and lukewarm tea that a surly butler had provided and tried to get back into the more mundane topics being discussed. will was just discussing the ball, informing us that it would be tomorrow evening.

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Y conocereis la verdad...

Nos apostamos en los extremos del campamento, yo en el norte , fulgencio en el oeste y rogelio e el este, permanecimos ahi una media hora observando, luego nos volvimos a reunir en el extremo sur y concluimos en que se trataba de un campamento con las

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