Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep13
#13 of LoM 08
After spending some time together in their supposedly little date, taking a little walk together and catching up after the cafe, Hazard returned to his place with Rinami still accompanying him. She went up with him all the way to the apartments' hallway and they stopped by his apartment's front door.
"Do you wanna come in for a bit?" Hazard offered to the vixen but she shook her head.
"No, it's okay. Maybe next time! I have to get back to the circus and get ready for my last show tomorrow night. Which reminds me!" Rinami lifted her little skirt enough to show a bit of her upper thigh, which stunned Hazard and made him flush red. What surprised him more was that she had a small belt wrapped around her left thigh, and it had some sharp shuriken knifes strapped on them, but one of them was replaced by a bundle of three tickets, which Rinami snatched out and showed them to the flustered Hazard. "Here you go! These are three tickets to the show tomorrow, the VIP kind! So when you enter, come by my trailer and I'll let you in the ring and watch from behind the curtains! Bring Sasuga and Panja with you, too!"
"Err..." Hazard mumbled, still a bit distracted by the foxy sexy legs she unintentionally teased him with.
"You will come to see me tomorrow, right?" Rinami looked back at him with glinting teary eyes and making Hazard even more flustered.
"Y-Yeah, sure. Of course I'll come."
"Great! Well, I should be going now..." Rinami hated to say, but she stood on the tip of her toes and gave the wolf a soft kiss on the edge of his muzzle, making Hazard blush more, and he rarely blushed. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
"Yeah... tomorrow," Hazard smiled and she smiled back, turning around to leave. Something was off, Hazard felt. He wasn't satisfied with that. He felt that something was missing, that there was something he should do to make it feel 'right'. Rinami was about to press the elevator button and that when he decided to take action. "Wait." Hazard grabbed her hand and Rinami blinked back at him with a puzzled look. He made her turn around to face him again and stared into her crystal blue eyes intently, lifting a slow hand up, gently petting her cheek with his palm. "You're... so pretty," Hazard softly said as Rinami blushed and he could feel her cheek warm up against his hand. He couldn't hold himself from saying it and he couldn't hold himself from leaning her face down, his muzzle slowly nearing hers, aiming to kiss her. Rinami didn't expect this from Hazard, not this soon at least, but she was too thrilled to care, closing her eyes and preparing for that wonderful moment when his lips met her own.
Just as their lips were a fraction of a second about to touch, the elevator bell dinged.
"Oh man... I ate so much I think I'm gonna burst," Panja groaned as the elevator door slid open and he came out from it with Sasuga by his side.
"You really didn't have to finish that big bowl of... oh..." Sasuga stopped in the middle of her sentence when she got out of the elevator with Panja and noticed that they had interrupted Hazard's and Rinami's intimate moment.
"H-Hey guys! Uh, didn't know you two were out too," Hazard awkwardly said as he and the fox stepped away from each other from their unexpected arrival.
"Um, sorry, we didn't mean to intrude," Sasuga apologized, feeling embarrassed to have cut them off like this, but Panja was rather grouchy about it, with a surly expression on his face.
"No need to apologize! I was about to leave anyway, so I'll see you all tomorrow, okay?" Rinami said cheerfully and went for the elevator before its doors were closed. "Bye!" She waved at them with a sweet smile and Hazard and Sasuga waved back at her before the doors slid shut and sent the vixen down. A few moments of awkward silence passed.
"So... where'd you guys go to?" Hazard finally broke the silence.
"No where," Panja replied crudely and went off to Hazard's apartment, shutting the door behind him and making Sasuga wince. She was afraid was going to react that way unfortunately, especially when he was in such a good mood.
"Jeez, he's still at it?" Hazard shook his head with a sigh.
"Actually, he was doing pretty fine. I thought he was over that... issue," Sasuga said.
"Oh? And where have you two been to?"
"Well, something happened..."
Hazard sensed the dreaded tone in the kirin's voice and figured that something wasn't good. "Let's talk in your place," he suggested and she nodded, entering her apartment with the wolf. She spent to next few minutes telling him about the horrifying news of Kyle's death and how she and Panja went over to his memorial service to console his parents, totally stunning Hazard to say the least.
"Damn... that's... damn, that's just awful. I'm so sorry, Sas," Hazard said, shocked by the unexpected news. "Are you okay?" he reached a hand to hold one of hers comfortingly.
"I'm doing better now. I was really distraught when I first came upon the news right after you left, but thankfully Panja helped me go through it," Sasuga answered.
"That's good to hear," Hazard smiled. "Shit, how did that happen? Why him again? Why Kyle? I didn't sense any demonic powers in him at all. Did I miss something?" he griped, wondering if he was losing his touch regarding his inner demon sensing skill.
"I'm not sure. His parents said that there wasn't anything abnormal about him, except that he was withdrawn after that incident at the university. I can't blame him, though. He must've been very scared and didn't know what to do and who to tell after seeing what he saw... I should've reached out to him..." Sasuga said, the feeling of guilt returning to her.
"You couldn't have know, Sas. No need to beat yourself over it."
"I guess..."
"Hrmm, what did that chameleon freak said again when he captured Kyle?" Hazard then asked her about when Onyx attacked her at the university and almost killed Kyle.
"You mean about Maligna?"
"Right, what did he say exactly? Can you remember?"
"Umm, he said that Kyle had Maligna in him. Enough Maligna to summon his demon dogs," Sasuga answered, remembering that moment clearly despite wanting to forget it.
"Hrmmm... how the hell could Kyle have Maligna in him? That just doesn't make sense to me. I haven't seen any mortal have Maligna in them," Hazard said in frustration.
"Do you think he might have been possessed or something?"
"I'm not sure, but I can bet that it got something to do with that psycho Megalo and his crazy group of freaks. I don't think they'll stop with Kyle. They're up to something big. I can smell it, and it stinks as shit," the wolf stated, standing up. "I'm gonna go do some investigating of my own. If I find them, I'll find what caused Kyle's death, and make them pay for it."
"I'll come with you," Sasuga said and planned to follow him, but Hazard declined.
"No. You had you share of crap for the day; you should take it easy and stay with Panja."
"Well, alright, but can I ask you do something for me before you go?" the kirin then asked of him.
"Go talk to Panja about this whole Rinami deal. I hate seeing you two still being sour with each other like this. I want you to make up with him, even if he's the one overacting. Please, it'll mean a lot to me," she requested of the wolf, wanting him to patch things up with the white lion and return things to the way they were before the circus fiasco.
"Heh, fine, fine, I'll be the bigger man. I'll deal with that big lug, don't you worry," Hazard chuckled.
Sasuga smiled gladly, giving Hazard a good hug. "Thanks, Haz."
He patted her back gently as she hugged him, "Hey, speaking of Rinami, she wanted me to give you this." He reached out for his pants pocket and pulled out one of the tickets he had, handing it to the kirin. "It's for tomorrow night's show. She wants us to come and see her last act. You're gonna come, right?"
"Oh, that's very nice of her! I'll come for sure!" Sasuga replied elatedly.
"Great, we'll plan it out later. I won't be out for long." He soon took his leave and switched from the kirin's apartment to his, finding his mopey white-furred feline friend laying on the couch in front of the TV with a big bag of potato chips in his hands. Hazard smirked sheepishly and walked over to the back of the couch, standing behind Panja and placing his hands over the lion's shoulders. "Hey big guy, can I have some of those chips?" the wolf said and reached out for the chips bag, but Panja pulled it out of his reach.
"Get your own chips," Panja replied stingily.
Hazard chuckled in return, "Those can be fattening, you know?"
"Shut up, I'm not getting fat! You're getting fat!" the lion retorted snappily.
"Aw, c'mon, don't tell me you're still grumpy about what happened. It's not like this is the first time you've seen me with a girl, so what's eating you up?" Hazard said, rubbing Panja's shoulders lightly. Panja only responded with a stern grunt, not looking back at the wolf and just staring back at the TV screen, even though he was just pretending to watch and wasn't following anything. "Look, I know that Rinami's showing up was sudden and unexpected, but I'm more surprised that you feel threatened by her, you big idiot cat. You should know better than think that anything between us will change, because it won't," Hazard said reassuringly, as Panja listened to what he said and gradually turned his head to face the wolf.
"Really? You promise?"
Hazard smiled and bent down a bit to wrap his arms around the white lion neck and gave his cheek a friendly lick. "Promise. And if I'm wrong, I'll drop the three-foot-rule next time we go to Seif's hot spring," the wolf answered with a smirk and Panja blushed with joy.
"Deal!" Panja beamed excitedly.
"Heh, man you're so easy," Hazard chuckled, pulling him into an arm-lock.
"Urk! H-Hey! Hazzy!" Panja whined and wrestled the wolf's arms off of his neck.
"Anyway, you should have this," the wolf said as he released the lion from his tight grip and then handed him one of the tickets he had, as Panja stared at it with a puzzled blink. "Rinami wants us to come for her last show tomorrow. You may not like the idea, but I know you don't have the heart to really dislike her. Come on, do it for me, eh?"
Panja made a pouty face for a few seconds, but then took the ticket, "Oh, fine. But I'm doing it just for your sake! Because I'm not gonna enjoy it!"
Hazard chuckled lightly, "Sure you're not." He smirked and gave Panja's back a rough pat and Panja smiled back.
"Want some chips?" Panja offered as he brought up the big back of potatoes chips. Hazard nodded and hopped over the couch and down next to his white furred feline friend, taking some of the crispy chips and sitting back to watch whatever was on the TV screen. Panja smiled, glad that to have his wolf back, and placed an arm over his shoulders, keeping him close to him and giving him a soft lick on the cheek, as Hazard let him, not minding it much. They were both just content to have resolved the first part of the issue. As for the other part, they would worry about crossing the bridge when they reach it.
To be continued...