A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:44

Who knows how much time they had already wasted participating in this cuddle based standoff, and at the rate they were going dawn was sure she would be stuck there until the rest of the hunter's not only woke up, but became curious enough to check on them.

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North and South Chapter 5: The Signs

The scyther was at a standoff with reaper, kage and shamshir outside, holding its ground despite being outnumbered and waving its blades threateningly as it waited. reaper acted first, quickly shooting a short burst of icy wind to bring its guard up.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 12

Bartholomew knew, even before the heavy twang of agatha's string reached his ears, that this brief respite, this silent standoff, was over.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 63

There was something wrong, more wrong than the lifeless bodies lying strewn about the battlefield, more wrong than the trees blazing in the night, more wrong than the roars breaking through the silence of this final standoff.

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North and South Chapter 10: Kia He Pt. 1

He was facing away from her as he spoke those words, but she could sense his words were genuine despite his standoff-ish demeanour. "...you're more of a combatant than you let others believe..."

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Jimmy's Day

"looks like i'm going to be the one to break our little standoff." he mumbled to himself moving his tyrant closer before edging the gaunts and zoenthropes along for the ride.

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The Spectrum of Us

As the standoff continued, i realised that there was no easy solution to our conflicting duties. the station's safety hung in the balance, and the tension between us seemed insurmountable.

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Breaking News

Thankfully, there was a third voice in the van to get us past this standoff. "'s like i said before, i think it's fine," mick said with a welcomed calm. "only thing is... might be a bit wordy." "it's a report. it's going to be 'wordy'."

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:33

The ewe could already feel tears starting to well as she began to imagine the inevitable standoff between vernon and dorian.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 154

Bodies lying strewn about the battlefield, more wrong than the trees blazing in the night, more wrong than the countless eyes staring back at him, glowing like hateful coals in the dark, more wrong than the roars breaking through the silence of this final standoff

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Angels of Aurum 9 - Sector Zero

"and our questions led by him," said shuffa tapping a pincher on his hand, "let him blunder into his own interrogate, we have not forgotten that little standoff at the station past, tranquiliser or not."

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 8.5 - Extermination

"new investments from were-enix have stalled," said a heron handing his suitcase in turn, "they've become rather stingy with products since the new management took over, we're currently having a legal standoff with copyrights of

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