Voluntary Intelligence

A stone lion with sparks coming off the ground with every step walked amongst the shadow profiles.


Time of War Chpt 5

Jayden walked out to a military humvee and threw open the back door where spark had been anxiously waiting. "let's go, let's get him inside!"

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 10

Then she turned to first spark. "why don't you head to the infirmary. you're one of the best medics here, and i know there's been at least a couple of injuries. you can see to them." "of course, keeper," first spark answered with a smile.

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The Changing Face of Evil

I gotta ... " spark! " ... go." talkeetna sprung up, exchanging a wobbly glance with ada. "is he ... ?" she mouthed, silently. "please?" was her wordless plea. talkeetna just nodded.


Voided Traveller: Chapter 5

A white lion stood in the centre, his mane brown, and sparks of dark energy jumping from point to point on the demonic looking armour.

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The dog and the cuttlefish

_what are stars but sparks, sparks that last just enough to gather organic filth around them, but inevitably die, returning to the darkness, our darkness?_ "don't know, even a spark is better than non-existence" saggal mused.

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The Cronicles of Polyx: Part I

Polyx magic sparks! polyx uses magic sparks on the crabbycrêpe. the ice spike starts melting. crabbycrêpe me.... melting... let.... me..... use.... cryowind! the crabbycrêpe tries using a cryowind, but polyx steps on its shears.

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The Ultimate Redemption- Chapter 2

Like that spark is there and nothing could snuff it out? i thought i had that spark for you i really did but somewhere i lost it."

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So they waited, but though embers blew about, none managed to spark more than the smallest of blazes, easily snuffed in a moment.

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 9

Alongside her, though, she felt first spark's presence and she opened her mind even more to the young frr'a'narr'ah. get the engines down and make sure they can't get at the armory. one of the crew will know where it is, she said to first spark's mind.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 14

As she flew forward, surrounded by the whirling sparks she noticed them flicker and change colors.

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Another wire sparked as the machine began to power up. _stop that_, i thought, _don't you dare fail on me_. the machine was an extremely complicated affair.

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