Voided Traveller: Chapter 5
#5 of Voided Traveller
Grief, why do I do these things to characters? Ah, well, extra motivation, I suppose.
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The pair walked into a village. Well, of what remained of one.
The few houses that were there lay broken, beams no longer where they should be and holes here and there.
Graves could be seen lining the front of each house, so someone has been here to dig the graves and bury the bodies. Names were etched into the stone of the gravestones harshly, like a novice.
Lexiss hummed, Skyclaw thinking that the Bright Knight was thinking the same thing as he was. They continued, seeing more desolated buildings and rotting crops.
The duo came to a house that wasn't destroyed, ringing some alarm bells. Not all of them, but enough for the two to become cautious. Their weapons readied, they went up to the wooden door and Skyclaw knocked a few times.
After a few seconds, the door was opened, and they lowered their weapons at what they saw.
A wolf girl, probably about 15 years by Skyclaw's guess, looked fearfully at them. An older wolf boy, probably 17 at least, sat at the wooden table in the centre.
"What happened here, madam?"
The girl stood to the side and held a paw out towards the table. The two Knights placed their weapons on the floor and took a seat at the table.
And Skyclaw saw a terrible wound on the boy's throat and up his muzzle. He hasn't made even a grumble, but his eyes told them everything the boy wanted to say.
The girl sat down on the last chair left, and her paws kneaded the fabric of her dress.
"I'll tell you what happened, as what I remember...."
~ ~ ~
A few weeks prior:
She wiped her brow free of sweat once again. She felt a rogue branch of the crops snag the hem of her dress once again. When she pulled it off, it left a hole, making her groan and adding something else to the day.
She looked up, seeing the rest of her family working at distant spots of the farm, tending to all the crops.
That's when she saw her brother squint at something in the distance. She looked that way, also squinting hard, a paw covering her eyes from the sun.
That's when she saw it.
A mass of dark energy looked to be rolling over the meadows in the distance like waves.
Her family all dropped their tools and began running in the other direction, and she followed, her mother and her lifting up the hem of their dresses to help in their escape.
She saw her brother race ahead and open the door to their house, she managed to get inside as well, but the mass of dark energy swallowed their parents as she turned around.
She could hear their pained screams.
As her brother closed the door, a small part of dark energy made it through the cracks and hit her brother in his face. Wailing a bit, she crawled over to her brother as the last of the dark energy stopped sparking on him, leaving horrid scars on his neck and muzzle.
She looked out the window, seeing the purple of the dark energy pass to the sunlight once more. Even as frightened as she was, she opened the door once again, looking out into the town.
A white lion stood in the centre, his mane brown, and sparks of dark energy jumping from point to point on the demonic looking armour. The lion turned her way, and the glowing purple eyes drilled into her, a shard of amethyst embedded just beside the right eye.
~ ~ ~
"And then he just....." she couldn't finish the sentence, bursting into tears.
Lexiss stood from their seat and embraced the girl, while she cried onto the Bright Knight's shoulder. The brother sat there, his eyes showing a deep sorrow himself, while Skyclaw stood up and looked to where the girl said that the lion was.
"Madam and sir, you two were extremely fortunate to survive an attack from an Overvoided," Skyclaw announced, breaking the silence.
The tiger-wolf turned back to the other three, but only looking at the girl.
"Demonic armour, white furred lion, with a brown mane, correct?"
The girl nodded at Skyclaw's question.
"'Tis as I feared. You have seen my mark, an Overvoided and old friend of mine, Leon."
"Y-You'll kill him, won't you?"
"I have to. No other way to get rid of an Overvoided."
Skyclaw took a heavy sigh, running a gauntleted paw over his helm, as if he were running a paw through his head fur.
"My greatest apologies, madam, as I wasn't able to stop it from reaching your village and family," Skyclaw said, kneeling in front of the others.
Lexiss released the girl from the embrace, and the young wolf looked to her brother, who's eyes showed sparks of hope and forgiveness.
She walked timidly up to Skyclaw and knelt down in front of him, "You've done nothing in order for you to apologize, dark knight. Grant us our village's vengeance on this beast of nature," the girl reassured.
Skyclaw nodded once with firm conviction, "You have my word, madam. I will grant you what you wish against the Overvoided."