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They had nearly reached the far shore of lake tanaran and her family's estate had sunk halfway below the horizon.
Breaking News
It took only a few minutes to get ourselves ready and make the short walk down to the shore.
Dark Moonlight
I swam a little closer to the shore before i felt something touch my leg. it felt like a paw. i turned around and peered into the water. as it turns out, someone was under the water.
12th Crescent Past Serenity
I stood up and smiled, walking along the shore and looking for pebbles and stones whilst reks went for a swim.
Gone Fishing
He turned towards shore and took the only course he had left. he swam. an aquaticdragon would have laughed him out of the water. but he made progress. he wasravenous by the time he reached shore.
The Blue Marble - Tales from the Other World
I take the white glider out, and direct her toward a distant shore. my mate awaits in those distant waters.
Mama Wolf
He looked around the shore seeing no other tents or campers whatsoever. why was no one else here? maybe it was just that early in the morning? well... there were certain advantages to being alone.
Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 12 - Meeting with the Gnolls
Greenix was already on the ship's deck, looking longingly at the continent's shore.
The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 4
I swam towards the shore thinking of how i was going to get back to aerix's palace, that's if jericho hadn't already burnt it down to the ground. i reached the shore and dragged myself up out of the water and onto the muddy shore.
Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 24: Confrontation
Fortunately, as he reached the shores of the lake, no one had said anything. arion stood on the shore and looked out across to the islands beyond.
Unfortunate Fortunes
Aden said as big tears began to well up in his eyes aden rushed into the water after him, struggling to pull him back to shore "why... why?"
Black Nights
As the boat hit shore he and his five companions, all in black, jumped out already in full sprint as they raced to the first cover.