Changes in life; Chapter 9
Skye quickly followed and began shooting bursts of white fire at the men, their armour melting to them as the dragons' fire engulfed them.
€ lopmon yelled shooting jets out ice out along side terriermon’s attack. â€pyro-spear!†guilmon yelled with renamon jumping into the air once again. â€diamond storm!†renamon yelled shooting jets of diamonds at the d-reaper drone.
The Journey
-it is not a shooting star, so little is just one. puzzled, the little girl tries to see the same as your mother, but only after some time the "star" is divided into two parts, following parallel paths, but in different directions.
Open Season
For their own good, there are too many they'll just die if we don't kill any of disease and shortages of food so shooting them is far from crude.
Around the Bend Part III
"if he can shoot like he does in halo, you're fucked." bryan laughed. "i hope he can. it'd be nice to have some actual competition." bryan said, extending a paw to otter. "'sup. m'name's bryan. hopefully you can shoot?"
Wasteland Survivor – Building skills - ch28
Monday was the start of our long range shooting, after our run we were taken to the classroom and taught how different things affect shots, from range, wind, elevation and even temperature, the afternoon was spent shooting at long range, testing those
Character Sheet: Learco Shadowflower
-detonating flower: shoots the enemy once and a glowing flower appears where the bullet hit, exploding after a couple seconds. -trigger happy: summons a row of guns above his head which shoot repeatedly.
John pt. 2: Jebediah
- jebediah the last living bandit shoots the agent in the arm, and jebediah shoots the man two times, one in the leg and one in the chest. "that's it then, that's the last of them. maybe you should go get that wound tended to.
Back in action
Everyone shoot it down !"
My Name Is Jason Shallowater
I thought he was going to shoot me, but instead he pulled ariana and scott in front of me.
The Human Part 2
"you can really shoot the three ball," i said to him as i got my rebound. "yeah i guess. but you couldn't miss out there, you're one of the best players i've ever played with." he said as he watched me shoot another free throw.
Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 12
She was imagining herself shooting those tranq pellets to faceless mammals who where shooting many more bullets at her than her at them.