misc story 1: Chloe (p. 1)

He had been waiting for january to roll around so he could laugh at the ridiculousness of the president, but then came word that the party held the majority in the house and senate. he couldn't believe it.

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A president as the leader, senators, and representatives, but forcing this system on our kind wasn't as easy as they thought it would be. there were those that a government some what like a monarchy and they wanted to be on top of everyone else.


Drakensang Prologue

First being forced by some politician to replace his first officer with some upstart pipsqueak, from a bumfuck egypt of a colony, just because his father in the senate envisioned for his offspring a bright service in the military, and had enough connections

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Identity: Chapter Twenty-Five

The screen began to blink through various photos of san fernando's leaders: the mayor, captain williston, da douglas, judge clay, and others, including those not from san fernando, such as senator mccracken.

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Adastra a Furry Visual Novel Review and Historical perspective

Ceaser took many similar actions during his reign towards wealthy land owners and sought to improve representation of the people by enhancing the number of people in the senate...which is the opposite of abolishing the govenors who are elected by the people

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The Integration Mandate

In the weeks during which the integration mandate was being argued in the senate, interactions between lacertans and other genera grew tense.

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Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (10)

And if the senate doesn't do something soon, who's going to stop them from attacking whatever planet is next for being capital." "coriallis," finn replied. "anyways, i was already told that leia is holding meeting after the ceremony tomorrow.

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Identity: Chapter Fifty-Six

He'd heard it before, but not from the lieutenant herself, and every time he'd wished he'd been there to see the expressions on the faces of senator mccracken and captain williston.

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Eternal Blue 5: A Complicated, Simple Choice

"you put too much faith in our guards, senator charr." he said. "this bounty hunter's reputation is beyond compare, just watch." quint lifted his right arm slowly; beckoning to the rat soldiers.

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Green Fairy Excerpt #1

That it was told between a senator's son and a common dancer is incidental to the heart of it, and to the tragic turn it took.

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A New Job - Part 1

New york reach was a private building initiative of the city and state of new york; who their building contractor happened to be was no concern of congress or the senate.

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Rendezvous Under the Moon

"how about your senate? how have things been with your dark king?" arimis asked. the vampire gave her own exasperated groan and shook her head a bit. "bureaucratic and long winded as usual.

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