The Lead Crown: Ch 7a, Un-Escaping (Pt 3)

Pulling her eyes away from the heartfelt family moment, the princess looked down at the item; she recognized it right away as a field recorder. "i see. and why did he bid you deliver it, if i might ask?"

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Dead in Space

It'd take a medical examiner to determine sex and species, and probably dna records for identification. others were in worse shape.

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Tenerife Airport Disaster

1706:49 ph-buf (klm 4805) records sound of collision. 1706:50 n736pa (pan am 1736) records sound of collision.

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I stopped at the door, and jumped up and down in excitement and asked my sister, "you're recording right!?" because i didn't want to miss this moment. i wanted it recorded so i can always come back to watch it. she replied, "yes, yes! go!"


The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Sixteen

One reason is that a mistake could have been found in the records. we are devoted to accurately recording history, and so mistakes are not tolerated. if one is found, everything pertaining to it is destroyed and begun again."

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Virishian History

There are tallhassian records over the chief's defiance before his mock trial and execution, and his oral "testament" was recorded, providing an incredibly valuable source for archeologists and researchers.

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The Cat's Stroll 05

After the last few days, kyu cao had come to understand a few things about the seven deep hells frozen record. the frozen record was, indeed, an ice cultivation method.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 111

"computer, delete all records pertaining to me. i have not given the society permission to compile any sort of record about me." "user not recognized. no record of citizenship in the arcane society. rank insufficient to delete records.

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The Banished Wars - Volume Two

Few records had existed that recorded the exodus but from those records, we have determined some of the details. felt more than any emotion by the exiled was the fear of not knowing what lay ahead of them.


The Interviews - Wulf Draqnis

He shuffles in his coat, pressing the record button on a hidden recorder inside a pocket. "state your name and occupation." "wolf draqnis, a security guard for noire corp." "and how did you come to this job?" "what's that suppose to mean?"

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Lost in The Void - Prologue

"send it, send it now and start a personal recording." _"data uploading, recording started."_ "theo, i know you are watching this, and i know you don't remember anything. i know that is very frustrating for you to experience.

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Chapter Twenty-Three (Wendell)

"also, we have a recording of rodger on his old cell phone." somehow it either survived the fire or he must've set it down somewhere. candors takes out a voice recorder and hits play. it's a bit fuzzy but i do make out most of the message.

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