Chapter Twenty-Three (Wendell)

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#23 of First Steps 2: Happy Trails

I pace in the waiting room as I wait for Todd's results. He's been in the emergency room for almost a whole day. Angie is sitting on one of the chairs, slightly gnawing on her nails. A treat rolls down my cheek as I think about what could've happened to Todd.

After Angie managed to call for help back in Camp Roadrock, not only did the cops and an ambulance come, but the FBI also came. They've been keeping their eye on Rodger for a long time since he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and started talking about terrorism stuff. They still don't know how they got the weapons though. I personally don't care since Rodger's dead; but he's the reason Todd's in the hospital and possibly about to die.

We had so many plans for the future. Get our own house. Get married. Adopt a child. All of that, taken away with just one bullet. No. Stop Wendell! He's not dead. The nurse would tell us this, right?


"Wendell, please stop pacing. It's freaking me out." Angie says.

"No. That's my fiancé in there. If he dies, I'll have nothing left." I say, managing to not yell. After all, Angie's lost her best friend: Janelle. They've been through alot together. However, the police found her body along with the rest of our friends in the prison on Brenner street.

Dexter, Tom, and Toby went to be interrogated by the police topics together the truth on what really happened. One part that'll be hard to explain is Angie using a flare gun to kill 7 furs at once. Her argument, and we all know this happened, is that they were armed and ready to attack whenever they wanted.

As I'm pacing, a brown bear that smells like too much honey in a blue police uniform comes in. "Wendell Tripp?" He asks. I walk up to him and look him in the eye.

"Yeah? What is it?" I ask.

"I need to talk to you for a moment. In private." I look at the door and back at the cop. "This won't take long."

"Ok." I mutter and walk out of the room in the other direction. We only walk a few paces before the cop stops us.

"Wendell, normally I'd ask you to come to the station but, I know you're waiting for your loved one is ok." He says.

"Yeah. That's right." I say, trying my best to not get a tone.

"I've already talked to your other friends and the FBI. I just want to get the story straight." The bear reaches for his back pocket and pulls out a notepad. He flips it open to read what he's wrote. I'm guessing my job is to tell him if what's said is true. "From what I've gathered, the story was this: your cousin Angie killed a cat, Allan Grayson, after he tried to murder your friend. She was tried and found innocent as it was a defensive shot. Nine months later, your fiancé, Todd McCarthy is still mentally scarred from the tragedy. To help get over it you took him to Camp Roadrock for a planned four day stay." He's right so far. "Towards the end of the trip, another cat, Rodger Grayson, hired a bunch of teenagers and forced them to terrorize you guys for revenge for killing his brother."

"Yep. That sounds right." I say.

"Is there anything I'm missing?" He asks.

"Umm... Steele Hall, a grey cat who used to be in association with Allan, killed himself to save us."

"Why would he do that?"

"He was never on Allan's side. I think he said something about peer pressure."

"Is there anything else I'm missing?"

"Yeah. For some reason, Rodger kept leading clues as to where Janelle could possibly be at. Also where the other kidnapped furs were at."


"Angie said there was a photo of Jani in an old building, all the cabins we stayed at were trashed and spray painted, someone left a map and coordinates. Why? Did they not tell you about that?" I wonder.

"Uhh... this is a long explanation, but those clues you found were left by Rodger's 'helpers'." The cop uses air quotes around helpers.

"I know." I say.

"But you don't know that Rodger didn't know anything about it."

"Huh? How's that possible?"

"Well..." The cop (I look at his name tag. Officer Candors) reached into his pocket again and pulls out some photos. As he hands them to me, he says, "we found these under a file on Rodger's computer named 'B-Mail'."

"B-Mail?" I ask. I look at the pictures. At first they're a bit blurry in my eye, but as I look closer, I notice that these furs look like those Angie killed in the truck. They're all doing embarrassing stuff. One's of one facing naked, one is of two of them having sex, one is a pic of someone crossdressing. Then I take a look at the last one. I see a picture of an Arctic fox with pink and blue highlights and what appears to be a stripper pole he's hanging onto. In the background, I just noticed that it looks like Tom's cabin on the inside. This is how Rodger was blackmailing Tom, I thought. Hold on, blackmail. Blackmail!

"B-Mail." I say. "That means blackmail."

"Yep." Officer Candors says.

"So that means they were forced to do this." I mutter. They left clues because they didn't want to be controlled by Rodger and they wanted freedom. If they didn't do what he said, these pics would've been leaked.

"Also, we have a recording of Rodger on his old cell phone." Somehow it either survived the fire or he must've set it down somewhere. Candors takes out a voice recorder and hits play. It's a bit fuzzy but I do make out most of the message.

"What're you guys doing?! Remember what I said? How hard is it to trash someone's cabin, leave a ransom note and get the fuck out?!!" That's Rodger's voice when he's angry. He used it on Todd when he tied him on that chair. The thought makes me want to punch the recorder so badly.

"We recorded this so we didn't have to bring the actual phone." Candors puts it away. I'm aware as for why, they needed the phone as evidence.

"So Angie murdered innocent people?" I shakingly ask.

"Yes. It would appear so."

"That's impossible. She thought they were the bad guys. Trust me, her heart's always in the right place." I say.

"I don't doubt that. But she does have to go on trial for this. I'm sorry Wendell." Candors says. I don't she'll be as ok for this one as she was the last one. I'm scared they'll actually put her in jail this time. If that happens, I'll feel guilty for the rest of my life. "That's all I wanted Wendell. Thanks."

"You're welcome." Is there ever going to be a point in my life where thing will not go wrong?

We head back into the waiting room and Officer Candors calls in Angie. She goes out the door with him. I'm scared of this. I'm scared for her. I'm scared Todd will die. I've never been this scared in my life. My tail goes limp. How can it be wagging when my life and everyone in it is going downwards. I thought that coming to California could change our lives for the better. It started to, but now I'm started to think had we just stayed in Tennessee, none of this would be happening. If I had said "no" to being Todd's boyfriend, none of this would be happening. If I had said "no", Jani might still be alive, no one would try to be killing us, we still would've had caring parents. This is all my fault.

My fault.

As I'm crying more, the nurse (orange vixen; not getting into more details) came in. "Wendell, I think there's someone who'd like to speak to you." She says with a smile on her face and a flick of her tail. My ears perk up and I stand up to follow her into the hallway. We turn left and she opens the third door to her right.

There. Sitting up on the hospital bed is my fiancé. Alive and well. He's slowly sipping his juice when he looks up at me.

"Wendell?" Todd croaks. His voice is a bit scratchy but I don't care. He's alive.


"Todd." I tear up and smile, my tail coming back up and swaying a bit.

"I'll leave you guys by yourself." The nurse says. The closes the door and walks off.

I walk up to Todd and put a paw on his thigh. "How're you doing baby?" I ask.

"They say I'll live. I'll be fine. I've gotta stay in the hospital though for a week or two. Just a precaution." He says.

"I'm just happy you're safe." I say, pulling him in slowly until our noses touch. "God I just want to hug you tight and keep you in my arms."

"I know." He says.

"But I did get you something to keep you company for a while." I reach into my pocket and dig out Todd's present I got him. It's a small, paw sized wolf with blue buttons for eyes.

"Awwww, it's cute." Todd says as he takes it. "It looks so much like you."

"Thanks." I blush.

"Maybe I should get a fox with green eyes for you." He winks at me and giggles.

"I already do. But he's sadly injured." I say, caressing his arm.

"Wendell, you're not getting aroused are you?" He asks.

"No. But you saying that word is."

"As much as I'd love to, I can't sex with you right now. I'm in too much pain."

"I know." I put both paws on either side of his face. "But I'm so happy to know that you'll be fine by the time our wedding rolls around."

"Me too. I'm so ready to be your husband." I lean forward and kiss him on the lips. It felt like forever since my muzzle was against his. I slowly introduce my tongue to his again. He wraps his around mine and I murr happily. My foxy's safe. I've never been so overwhelmed.

When I pull away from the kiss, there's a small line of saliva between us. I wipe it of my lips then his and we smile. But I guess I must've pinned my ears down and looked at the floor because Todd asks, "what's wrong, Wendell?"

"Remember when Angie killed those guys with the flare gun?" I ask.

"Yes. That was shortly before Rodger got to me. Why?"

"She's going to court on that. I'm worried she might not be so lucky and be found innocent."

"So? Those guys were terrorizing us."

"No they weren't. They were being blackmailed by Rodger do hurt us. It's a long explanation."