Suncrest - Chapter 8

Both tea and the bears were invisible beyond the stretch of puddles that giu knew marked massive riverbanks. they were thousands of feet in the air, suspended solely by an icy pillar.

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Umbro the Legendary Umbreon Chapter 1

The ground quickly turned to mud and small puddles formed with seconds. hydra grabbed her son and began to glide across the puddles with ease to find her mate. ========================================= the forest was quickly being destroyed.

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The Hidden Beauty

Spring so beautiful yet tickles your nose accidently drowned by the spraying hose, muddy puddles from where it grows. you won't caress the burnt scarred skin and you fail to see the beauty within.

prologue to the Night Shade

_ a single tear shed from her eyes as a stray puddle leading away from a river.

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Whether puddle, river, or stream..."

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High she was left on the ground, broken and wounded, a small puddle at her head, from the tears she had shed. the dark clouds were fast coming, ready to take her away. when a small light came into view.

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With the turning of the years

Pathways rumble from the pain, puddles shrink away from rain, legs and hands and eyes and feet all are found where creatures meet- when the blackbird strikes the land.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 44

They rained down in random profusion, shattering into wicked shards of flaming glass and spewing puddles of oil across the ground.

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roo's adventure

Roo: "dude... is it just me or is that puddle... black? roo stepped in the puddle. he felt a slight sucking on his foot... he yanked his foot back. roo: "yikes!" they all ran up to the treehouse. roo: "phew!

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The explorer with dazzling paws (commission for Director14)

It was only a huge puddle of mud now - and your boots had sunk right in. you struggled to keep walking towards the staircase, hoping that it wouldn't swallow your boots.

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MoonDust, Chapter 6

The puddle of light around the tunnel where they'd started was tiny, and the line of tanks now entering looked like toys.

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Focal Distance (Otherwise Untitled)

She left it in place for her morning stretch of wiggling toes and fingers, the oppression of silence puddling around atop the soil damp with her blood.

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