No Love For Cats And Dogs
And then the carnival rolled about, baring gifts and prizes for any and all that could get them from their little shenanigan games. it was the semi-annual carnival, so they of course, participated in it.
Beneath the Soil
Now you need only dig and the prize will be yours. it's a good thing you came prepared, bringing a thick jacket and a shoulder bag with plenty of spare tools. today is the day that you finally claim your prize.
The Glory of an Empire, Chapter 1
The trick was not to kill it though, if you did, not only would you get no prize, but frou wolf would get angry with you, and when she gets angry, the skies turned black and thundered her voice.
The Carnival
You used the squirt gun to fill a balloon that would burst and give you a prize. but everyone was getting the prizes. beings walked away with stuffed animals, fake gold watches, some kids even got video games.
No Pants, Only Masks
"all you gotta do is get this ball into one of the jars and you win a prize! you could take home a new pet fish today." "not quite the prize i was looking for... but i'm not going to turn down a free play." jak took the ping-pong ball.
The Hunt
Be the gathering of hearts pounding for the glory beneath our feet thick air embracing us tightly directing our formation ever so slightly warm blood hangs in the wind its pulse harmonizing with our battle rhythm there nearly a statue our prize
Queen Calla
A prize on pedestal, berthed. yet she stands, flowering even in dearth. her roots hold part of her the whole of the earth. splendor blessed, balm; majesty bit, bane. her name monument of magnificence, beauty.
Lonely Heart
The clouds do flee before the sun, as my fears floan from mind, your love is what i found, a red rose of spring, the greatest prize i could have ever won.
The Lonely Library
Lewis) the collection of books is such a sea, a play ground for the scholarly, to hold a page that will not burn your eyes, who would not give up such a prize?
The final stop is here
Here is your prize. you may not want it, but you achieved it, you receive the death that you never needed. thank you for reading my poem, pleas give some feedback to my poem.
The Fractal Paw
The local opium dens where i usually prowled for prey were spreading word about this mysterious artifact, which i discounted till i had taken one participant in my 'leisure time activities' who told me where to find the prize.
The Creed
Kanon shook his head, being free from lustful thoughts, and kept his eyes on the prize, (and what a prize she was), hoping to follow her to her job. what job could she have possessed? kanon wondered. did she work at a bakery? no...