The Galactic Leonian Empire
Periods of war were so common place on pre-atomic age felis prime that most of the nations marked in the histories the years there wasn't a vassal-war, a slave rebellion, or invasion from another kingdom rather than years there were.
The United Earth Coalition/ The United Earth Coalition of Exploration
Captain katheryn janeway and seven of nine from my favorite pre-war tv show star trek voyager.
From The Desk of Daniel Ross: Sleepless Nights
Description of consciousness as the interaction between the body, acting as the hardware that absorbs and takes in information, and the brain, which acts as the software that reacts based on that information, information from past occurrences, and information pre-programmed
The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Sixteen
"the cause" was very new back then, and the pre-teenagers had only been a bunch of street urchins, kicking cans and throwing rocks at other misfits, he'd been noticed by riskar, huddling with his arms around his sides rocking back and forth, as the madness
The X2RD-HP Headphones.
-music-only: only pre-downloaded music can be used. -voice&music: the voice option can be used during the playing of music. -all-sound: similar to not wearing the headphones at all, albeit voice and music can still be played.
Endless Love (Gabriel 2)
I look at my watch, the time reading 7:24 pm as i stand up stretching, deciding against cooking anything major and simply heating up a pre-made pizza.
Sun Goddess of Lemuria
This is quite remarkable given that most austronesian solar deities are masculine and some of her mythology mirrors that of zanahary in madagascar (and isolated highland communities do worship male sun deities), implying that she was indeed worshipped in pre-austronesian
Character bio sheet
Otter occupation-temporal displacement refugee rank: top of his class in pre-k education-to be determined through placement exams.
"Daggers of Darkness, Book 2, The Heart of Élendor": Epilogue
**epilogue** when they left terra to go to élendor so that they could pick up the trail of the strange pre-civilization artifact known as the heart, the crews of _nightwing_and _se'nika_ had no idea where it would lead.
My Fursona
Origin (pre-existing story): james "taurn" raptor is the last of the maker's 11th generation of clones. of the entire batch, only taurn, at that time designated, c-11n, was thought to be worthy of survival.
Retractile Dysfunction
Claw locking failure is actually a reasonably common occurrence amongst hatchlings just entering the pre-fledging growth spurt," explained her mother. her paw was clutching jarzyl's, as she used her magic to probe her daughter's paw.
Strange Points of Arrival
#1 of when laguz met furry (pre-sf series) chapter 1 of my pre-sofurry series. lethe doesn't belong to me, she belongs to intelligent systems. i wrote this before i joined sf, as those whom i've rp'ed with will see.