The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Sixteen
#16 of The Furry Rebellion
A bit short, but I am rather busy and I haven't uploaded anything in the past two weeks, I hopefully will resume writing more frequently again.Characters
Narr (fox, two tails, M)
Arron (winged wolf, grey, M)
Farinay (winged panther, black, M)
Markus (Arctic wolf, azure eyed, M)
Riskar (Raccoon, thief, M)
Chapter Sixteen
Dante, Erebosian Wolf
"Tears are words that need to be written"
-- Paulo Coelho
Narr shivered and rubbed his paws along the lengths of his arms, it wasn't even a chilly evening, the middle of spring and the weather was pretty temperate, but Narr was thinking about unpleasant things.
He leaned against the tattered building that made up their base, as he waited for the rest of his troop to come back. His right eye twitched, and his tails swayed back and forth at an apprehensive rate. He had just seen Riskar captured, and was absolutely terrified to even try to think of what could have happened to him.
Narr sniffled, as he though,"Why did it have to be him? What did it have to be the one person that I actually felt close to here..." Narr stand and remember back to when he had first joined the squad of rebels. "The Cause" was very new back then, and the pre-teenagers had only been a bunch of street urchins, kicking cans and throwing rocks at other misfits, he'd been noticed by Riskar, huddling with his arms around his sides rocking back and forth, as the madness of loneliness slowly was beginning to consume him, and was take into the group. Farinay, at first, didn't like the idea of taking him in, he said that he was too unstable, but with Riskar's kindness and guidance, he'd become like a brother to them all.
He shook his head, clearing his mind of thoughts as he looked up to see Markus and Arron carrying a limping Farinay on their shoulders. Narr straightened himself and ran over to them, a look of concern on his muzzle.
"Is everything alright? What happened? Why is Farinay limping? Where are the rest of the guards? Who-"
Arron quickly interjected,"Narr slow down! We'll explain everything, just help us get Farinay to a chair."
Narr shut his muzzle and nodded solemnly, as he held open the door for the trio and followed them inside. He saw the three suddenly stop in their tracks, and a silence fall over them, as they stared at something which was blocked from Narr's view.
"What is it?" he asked.
From on the other side of the room came an answer in the form of a smooth, calming voice.
"I would like that in a situation like this, that the question would be 'Who is it?'"
to be continued...