The Shadow Pack
Suddenly, the trees, bushes, and other plants gave out into a wide open area that was filled with dying flowers and polluting weeds.
The Breegull Boat Part 2: The non-garbage barge.
She contemplated whatever her originally tumble at the harbor was in non-oil substances, as this thick, crude material was so much like tar it was hardly like the stuff that polluted the harbor.
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty-Five
This life he showed me, i'm going nowhere but sinking further in a sea of polluted water. the further i sink the less i'm willing to swim. the senses, the emotions, all feel as real as me talking to you now does." "how long were you in this dream?"
The Long Haul: Chapter 2
There was no light pollution here at all. it was even hard to pick out the constellations with all of the small points of light covering the sky. i did my best and found the canis major and canis minor.
Chapter One - The Combat Negotiator
See how your council is polluted by their thinking...don't fight. live in fear. and so out of that, comes you. don't you feel ashamed? the prey's faithful puppy? i should kill you're just like...this, for example."
That Gay Goth Dog: CHapter 18: The Battle to be Normal: part 4
The starry night was dimmed out from the light pollution from the city, but the brightest of stars still shined past the never dulling hue. the fire i sat in front me churned as flames spread upwards.
Zombiology - Grizzly Bear
A single swipe of his mighty paw sent the enemy crumbling into a pile of parts, it's disgusting stench polluting the already tainted air.
Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 10
"the lake is filthy with pollution from the city. you'd get sick if you drank it." karme made a dry groan, and lifted her arm up to nusha. if she couldn't drink from the lake, she didn't know if she would make it.
Hotel Emperador - Chapter 7: My Beautiful Doe
He wouldn't have enjoyed having the ritual he casted to be polluted by the demonic power of the claw. the thing itself was strong enough to obliterate holy items.
Tales from a Forsaken Land
Alex briefly pondered whether it was pollution or rain making the sky gray and murky. "j-jonas? i don't think we should be here." the tiger smiled over at him. "don't worry. we're already here. and a little early from the looks of it. now keep quiet."
The Echoes
They bring new sweet or pungent scents and pollution to the deadlands, choking fuel and exhaust from cold and steely metal pipes.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 7
Her ancestors attacked them without provocation, nuked civilians cities, destroyed the capital world and polluted their resources. her doubts have been multiplying during the long journey.