The Guardians of Time Ep2-New Life.

Weapon- shovels #7- shy hacker name- theodore masterson age- personality- timid,shy,extremely smart description- 5'4 he is a skinny mallard duck with blue eyes, he wears an oversized green hoodie with brown pants and green shoes.

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Naomi Finds Muddie

The figure was slumped over a dirty, oversized cushion. it smelled of blood and magic, acidic dark magic at that. naomi was nearly on top of it before she was able to clearly see what she was stalking. she cursed, it was not her brother.

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Species Sheet: Luffies

To invade apok was because the arcathion troops became immediately pacified by stray swarms of luffies, which provided the apacians the idea of utilizing luffies as a weapon against the opposing forces by sending them aboard the varandian ships, the ship overseers

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Prologue part 1

Muted pink fur, soft and copious of the youngling; oversized ears twitched against the biting winds. she flattened them against her head, and her tail peaked out of the split in the back of her coat, short and forked at the tip.

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wolfblood chapter 2

She wore an oversized t-shirt and blue hustler jeans. "hey, harry." "howdy, how ya doin taday?" "i'm doing alright, is my bike okay?" "yeah, it's fahn wha?" "because it's my bike!


Midnight Azure

Azure ebonwing was nearly twenty feet in height; even though everything in his home was built to double human proportions, he still looked oversized within it. "bedtime, shira?" he asked, his deep, bassy voice rumbling down to the micro.

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End Of The World 1

Over raven's shoulder was a carrying case for his oversized laptop. he had one headphone in his ear and the other around his neck, something he was infamous for, as he liked to listen to music while he walked.

Ashcroft Investigations: The Return of Dr. Pandamonium

The panda struggled to free himself of his oversized clothes and began to crawl away from the other infants now completely naked. "meow mrowl!" the kitten made an effort to crawl after and chase the panda.

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Jack: Rexi & Talon -- 24. Rexi

"one overseer. i don't think you'd be taken seriously, rexi, forgive me ..." rexi nodded. "just the truth. but we can buy an overseer, too." "go ahead and buy half-orcs," said zackton after a long silence. "fullblooded orc would be good, too.

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Scarborough Fair Family Reunion Teaser

Another file came up, showing a human female with chestnut hair dressed in an ancient style bomber jacket and jodhpurs, and posing with an oversized revolver in her hand and a sardonic smile across her face. "florence fisher," marie said.

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He wears a bit of an oversized blue hoodie with a snowflake necklace wearing black fingerless gloves black jeans and brown shoes.


The Path of Mew

The mew's thoughts continue, -that's adorable- the mew flies up and into your arms and snuggles before it lays on its back looking up at you with oversized shimmering eyes.

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