wolfblood chapter 2

Story by jeremy1555 on SoFurry

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#2 of Wolf blood

Second chapter Sorry for the inconvenience.

Harry woke up to his phone alarm, he had learned his lesson from last time. He got up and got dressed, putting on a regular white shirt and blue jeans. He left his room and went to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and his hair and went downstairs, leaving with the bike. The ride to school was less stressful this time. He soon arrived and pulled his bike lock out and locked the bike up. He then ran to class and sat next to Jasmine she smiled at him. He saw this from the corner of his eye and gave a quick smile back at her. She wore an oversized T-shirt and blue hustler jeans.

"Hey, Harry."

"Howdy, how ya doin taday?"

"I'm doing alright, is my bike okay?"

"Yeah, it's fahn wha?"

"Because it's my bike! It's not a cheap bike, I paid a lot for that bike so you better not even scratch it!"

"Ah won't, ah promise."

The teacher soon came in and class started.

After school, Harry and Jasmine walked out of the school to go home. "Hey, Harry I've got this track meet Friday if you wanna come see me win."

"Ah dunno, if ah have time ah'll definitely come see ya. Ah, don't get much tum ta watch ya run round in circles though, no offense."

"I actually do take a little offense to that, but I'll let it go if you come to my meet."

"Ah'll see what ah can do, like ah said ah got hardly any free taum."

She gave him a dirty look at this. "Look, ah gotta be goin, Jasmine, ah'll see ya tomorra." he then left to unlock his bike.

Jasmine sighed. "Bye!"

Harry unlocked his bike and mounted it. He took out his phone and opened his notes, inside were the directions to the house he'd be working on today. The only problem was that it was halfway across town. It didn't matter to him though, he put his phone away and sped out of the school parking lot to his destination. It was a long, tiring ride, but he made it in one piece, though the sun was over the horizon. He'd still work til the job was done. He stopped at the gate, got off the bike and brought his bike inside it and closed it. Then went to the front door and knocked. A female poodle answered the door. She looked at him and around the yard and smiled awkwardly at him.

"Hi, can I help you, sir?"

"Yeah ah'm here ta paint yer house ma'am, a man spoke ta me over the phone, ah assume yer husband?"

"Oh yes! My husband told me you'd be coming. But um... it's a little late to start isn't it?"

"Nah, ah can get it done still."

"Um.... okay I guess, the paint and brushes are out back."

"Okay thank ya kindly ma'am." He then walked to the back of the yard where he found the paints and brushes, just as she said he would. He took a brush and began painting the house, making sure to keep it neat and clean. By the time he was done, it was completely dark, he could barely see his hand in front of his face. He carefully walked to the front door and knocked again, this time a male Beagle opened the door. He smiled a big friendly smile at him. "Oh hi, you must be the guy I talked to on the phone."

"Yeah, Ah finished so it's time ta play up."

"Right." he took out a checkbook, wrote a few numbers on it and ripped it off putting it into Harry's hands.

"Thank ya kindly sir, ya'll have a good night."

"Yes sir, you too!" He then closed the door and Stood Harry went and got his bike and rode off for home.

It was a long, exhausting ride but he finally made it home, panting as he walked through the front door. He walked upstairs to the shower, a long hot shower ensued. After he got out he sighed in relief.

"Damn it all, ahm exhausted." He looked at the clock and saw it was four am.

"Shit, tommorras gonna be a long day."