Outcast - Chapter 22

Not having any monthly obligations except for food had made it easy for me to amass some savings...more than enough to make it through two weeks of no income. i wasn't worried about that.


002 - The World pt.01

But conversely, their ego would not survive these human's successfully hounding them off the bus, even though they have no obligation to take the psychic damage for the principle of the thing.

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Chapter 1

Arc obliged, sitting down in the seat and giving a meek smile. "you are right. i apologize." taking another deep breath, this time to steel her nerves, arc relayed what she had seen to her wife.

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Raining on patchwork hearts

I'm not sure where it is taking me, but i'm not much obliged to care at this point.

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Um... Unamed story Teaser chapter 1 :3

Baal, with your recent 19th birthday, you are now obligated to do the roles assigned to you. i'm assigning you to be nissa's charge until you show that you are able to complete these on your own." he smirks at that last sentence.

The Beginning from the End

It is their duty and obligation but a repeating cycle makes it an endless obligation, until now. * * * "mnguh...what a weird dream i had," said someone sleepy as he opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling above.

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Forest Keep 44

Tommy shifted and cuddled up against her side, murmuring in his sleep as he snuggled, and she obligingly let him get as close as he wished.

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Ryan, kangourou artiste

Donc, compétition oblige, j'ai choisi la langue de voltaire ;-) maintenant, c'est clair, je ne suis pas très doué.. mais bon.. tant pis!

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The Plastic Card Attached To The Lanyard (part 1)

Austin obliged, as only this little bit of nicotine wouldn't hurt austin's chances of relaxing until he got home.

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Part 4 - Re-Introduction

I smirked, happy that he had remembered my nickname, and i was more than happy to oblige. i then walked over to casey's chair and offered my paw to him, which he accepted quite quickly.

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Burdens - Chapter 96: Soon

It no longer felt like an obligation to help or oversee his progress, but rather it had its incentives. the faster they finished, the more time he could spend doing anything else. the more they studied, the better the wolf would perform.

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