Chapter 8- The Raccoon
She sets her notebook on the couch and walks a few feet away. kayden looks with curious eyes. don looks like he's about to wet himself. emma sucks in a deep breath and puts her fingers to her temples. she stares at the notebook.
Misty Luanne Chronicles part 1
Came a husky voice from the other side of my notebook, which was proped up on my lap with my knees drawn up. i closed my notebook and tossed it and my pen on the nightstand before sliding my legs down to give me a veiw of that handsome face.
Pure Sugar Ch. 2
My notebook and my drawing tablet laying there. should i take them? like i said, i don't know if i will have time to do anything else other than study... -are you ready, sweety?
The Interviews - Wulf Draqnis
The interviewer, a canid, a humanoid with fox ears and a bushy, orange tail with a white tip, takes out a notepad and pen. he shuffles in his coat, pressing the record button on a hidden recorder inside a pocket.
The Power Within - Prologue & Chapter 1
A dot appears on the screen, and he excitedly picks up his pack and gear, running off into the woods to follow it, the notebook left behind.
I pull out my notebook and draw out the scene of myself entering the college the first time. it's sketchy and i end up quitting after 20 minutes on it and turn the page. now i have a blank, fresh piece of notebook paper in front of my face.
Message in a Vacuum Bottle
I will then put this letter in my thermos and then place it and doctor moreau's notebook within a jar and seal it.
A Fateful Fall Encounter
In his right hand was a notepad, plain as ink. "huh, a pen and a notepad..." he said as he quickly flipped through its pages, back to front.
Chapter 13- "Library"
Light unzipped his book bag and brought out a few notebooks. she saw within the black bag the leathery cover of the death note.
Paradise and Coffee
He sighed as he then turned the page in the notebook. "this next example takes place at another time, an earlier time in jack's life.
SHadows Return: Chapter 3
For the rest of the day i had my hair pulled, notebooks torn up, pencils snapped, and to top off the day when i made a dash to get home i was beaten to within an inch of my life."
First Love: Part 1
He looks around his simple bedroom: his bed; computer desk, cluttered with papers and notebooks; dresser with a small flat screen television sitting atop; a hamper overflowing with laundry needing to be done.