SHadows Return: Chapter 3
The last paragraph from the previous chapter:
All I could say at that point was, "I guess there is no point in trying to lie any more, you need to know my past now."
Chapter 3: The Ever Haunting Past!
"What have you liedd to us about? And why would you keed something like this a secret?" Tyler scremed at the top of his lungs. And at that point I could only think about what I was going to say, as ben restrained Tyler from striking me.
"Listen," I said as I began to weave the tale of my past, "there are a lot of things about me that you need to know, and I am going to be explaining them here now. You see I was not always the way I am; I used to be a scared, paranoid, emotional wreck. The problem that you saw the other day, was actually a manifest form of the pain I felt and lock away. Allow me to Regail you with how it came into being." And with that I told them the story
"When Four years old I lived with my family in a small town. We were one of few families not affected by the tragic plauge of gangs, drugs, and various other crimial events that occurred in the town, and as such were were discriminated against. Many events in particular stood out."
"It was my frist day of school in the town and when I arived, I shoed up in my best casual out fit of Kahkies, polo shirt, and a nice supply of notebooks, pencils, crayons, and other school supplies. At frist glance it looked like I was going to beable to make may good friends. So in class when we were all introducing outselved, when it was my turn of cource, I told everyone I was new to town and would love to get to know them. And right there I got a book to the face. It hurt but not as much as what was to follow. Now back then I did not have a pain tolorence, so I cried a bit; which made me the bullying target. For the rest of the day I had my hair pulled, notebooks torn up, pencils snapped, and to top off the day when I made a dash to get home I was beaten to within an inch of my life."
"When they started to ease up on the beating, I snapped and a gout of energy shot out of my hand frying the kids face. I belloed at them, "_ RUN! _" but they pulled knives and stabbed me. This is when the dragon frist appeared. It was small a hatchling, nothing more, with a small fang. An inner self not afraid of bullies, some one whom I would latter come to embrace."
"The nextmajor incident was 2 years later when I was in the second grade, and by this time the dragon in my mind was a fully developed personality and was like a second me. I was weak scared and helpless, but he was brave. He was also extremely aggressive, and brutish. But this incident was far worse. Asside from the normal bullying I got on a daily basis, they decided to push me to let the dragon out again. Once again I was knocking on deaths door, but this time he had invited me in when the dragon pulled me away. To the dismay of the bullies my body now controled by the dragons persona, assaulted one of them and killed him by shattering the rib cage. The remaining 3 bullies shot me until my heart stopped."
"A few hours later I awoke in the hospital with 3 bullet wounds to the chest, broken arm, torn ligement in the right shoulder, and 4 knife wounds. I asked what happened, and no one would tell me. I began to fear my own inner guardian, but I needed him. I wanted him to stay, to save me; I wanted to BE him. The power he offered was so tempting, so great, so empowering."
"The last straw that made me lock him away was the day he cost me my left arm. It was the fifth grade and I was fairly immune to physical pain at this point. Most bullies avoided beating me up now, but a few still tried. A new bully, Tyberius, had arived at the school and heard of what I had done. Approching me he said, "So you are the whimp who killed a kid. I will have you know I WON'T ABIDE BY MY TARGETS FIGHTING BACK!!!" And at the moment he drove my face through the table. I instantly blacked out and the dragon took over."
"The frist thing I did was stand up and say, "You just opened a whole WORLD of hurt." With that I punched him in the throat, causing him to lose breath for a moment. He responded by skull bashing me. The remainder of the fight was a mix between brutal gut, nut, and joint blows and a few neve attacks on my part. But what ended the fight was me straining the body so hard that I shreded all the muscles in the left arm and shattering the elbow and shoulder, which allowed me to snap the bullies neck. Immediately after that I felt a tug, one from within."
"I regained control of my body only to find it broken shreded and bruided, along with a dead bully at my feet. At the hospital I was outfitted with a bionic arm a technology that a reletive had just finished working on before his death in a car accidednt 3 days later. So no one ever knew what the feature of the arm were. I would later learn what the powers were."
"Afte rmy stay at the hospital, I was sent to the insaine assylum for multiple personality disorder. Over the next few months I locked the dragon away. But it was hard to keep him restained as after that fight he had grown in to a full dragon, and his personality was far more dominating then myown. Covered in spikes, bathed in fire, and imbued with all things dark in my life. Once releaced my family moved."
"In order to restain him I hade to make a deal, that by my 22 birthday I would have killed everyone who ever hurt me. My 22 birth day is in 4 days. And I began dwellin on that day in fear of what would happen and in doing so, I undid the bonds that held him down. He has been feeding on every thing over the years and has grown able to manifest psychokinetic ablities. But he can not hurt people with out a body to posses. And no body would survive the possesion, atleast not for long;. Except me."
Benjamin was frightened by my story and said, "S-s-s-so what do we have to do to s-s-stop-p-p this th-thing?"
"I have to kill him and in doing so finnaly eradicate the regrets of my past," I replied.