The Reptilian Blitz: Chapter 2

This was not sanctioned by the nobles, they already plan on me giving jordan this task... in fact i should be telling him this instead of you. what are you saying sir? isaac asks with a faint line of distress.

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Tail Underground: A contribution

He saw ian point past the noble to the prince. the noble turned to look. when he saw the prince he seemed troubled, then humiliated and then his facemask turned angry before he finally stormed out of the inn.

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Chapter 5: A Special Person

Then the striped noble said her goodbyes to leave with her mother who so happens to be talking with king anli. "dammit rum! why do you attract all the good-lookin girls, i am jealous!"

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Like an Arrow

The nobles intermarry closer than is necessary, and the few lines that aren't married to the nobles won't have anything to do with them." "nonno, i'll have something to do with the nobles." she looked at him pointedly.

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The Joyous Piano (Final Draft)

"what sort of noble would want to teach a pauper", thought fritz to himself. "i need to think upon what you have said, kind noble. your words...they mean so much but i cannot just accept.

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Aboard the Airship (Reupload)

Drifting from one noble home to another under the guise of a foreign noble. well bred, charming, with a handful of magics that any noble would be proud to know. the last few months had been stressful and enlightening in more ways than one.

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Antithesis, Twin betrayals

And when i am the leader of our noble people, i will have such power that no house, not even kirinus, will be able to stand in my way."

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Finding Family Chapter 3

Then, she took her seat and noble heart took off for care a lot. she couldn't help but be a little nervous as they got closer and closer.

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The Goodness of Nothing

You have sleighed my brother, always too noble for his own good." the beast moved forward, unafraid. "and you will join him!" the fox struck the form, but no signs of physical pain resulted. the beast laughed.

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Prologue: Lost

They had enslaved our people and with the help of a few noble and kindhearted ones, he was able to overthrow their leader.

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The Fangshi of Hu village: Teaser

Tales of how he saved his life years ago and how noble and pious he is. please... we need his help or we're all going to die."

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Antithesis, The Terminus of Light and Dark

But be that as it may, without a strong leader to oppose him, shandi knew that he would have control, practically ruling the noble worlds.

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