"no. no, no. no!" it was too late. the holes in aliva's head were nothing medicine could fix. kelan felt tears in his eyes, nothing else mattered really now. they had killed his daughter!
TLoS: Darkness Falls Prologue
"no training. no secrets. nothing. just you and me." "has ignitus told you anything yet? what all this training is for?" cynder asked. spyro looked off into the dying flames. "no. no, he hasn't.
Princess Luna - Chapter 3
Let's see 'a loser with no real job, and no girl'--this is false.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 05
"no, no, no, no, the evil emperor sent down another monster." clank cried out. "there is no time to lose! zyler stop gollip while i send the others to fight the monster." zolton said.
Lupirin: Pain - part 2
There was no sound: no birds, no wind...nothing. it was as if nature itself was holding its breath. he stood up anxiously, sniffing the air. something was wrong here. he could neither hear nor smell anything dangerous, but still it was there.
D.E1 Chapter 78: Symbiotic Bond
"please... no..." silver muttered in denial. she held her muzzle with her paws as her eyes flooded. "no, no..." crystal noticed the worried expression on the three retcans and realized they might be thinking the worse. "he's well!
Black Meridian: White Lies
no man does harm to those named brother. a man makes no more violence than need be.
The series: part 1 : this world : you are here part 2 : purrfect timing : no link part 3 : closer than they seem : no link part 4 : the space station : no link part 5 : phase 3 : no link part 6 : together we run : no link part 7 : back on the beat : no link
Rose- Gabriel and Ingrid
"no, no," ingrid shouts from the back room. "no use up. some get destroyed. they see, they cut, they destroy. no good. no good. others never go boom, no one near. you need lots. write bunch up early, place all over, few get used.
Wolfs Hound Special Ops: the three Wolfs (capitulo 1)
no notó algo raro en el comportamiento de steele. ?por supuesto que si laurent, pero eso es de esperarse, es un animal... ?pero señor no es... ?
Forgotten Dreams
I had no way of knowing the harrows that were bestowed as, a heavy reminder that those that lie, are no more then the trash they make. this town's horrors were coming to a close. no, that's not the way to say it.
He was a fellow predator, and ... no, no, no. wasn't the fish. she had been bested. she had been one-upped. in her own territory. in her home. by a fox. no, this wasn't about fish ... but damn it all, she would get her fish back.