Loveless Troubles Chapter 1: Love Troubles and Hot Springs

The sloth said then sighs with melancholy. diego was walking over the group who was about go on their morning routine. "uh, guys... i think there's something wrong with sid." the saber said while looking back at his friend. "what's wrong with him?"

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 71

He lifted his eyepatch, letting the freezing wind inside the hollow depths of his socket, swirling around and around, whistling a melancholy tune inside his skull. ander looked like he had seen a ghost, the poor guy.

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Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 1-A

His eyes were considerably dim as he looked down at the ground, their blue color lost in a strange brand of melancholy that very few people had known.

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An Unlikely Friend

The canid answered in a melancholy tone, turning toward the window and watched the trees endlessly pass by. "you said you told your friends you were gay, but you can't tell them you're being attacked?"

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The day the sky turned orange

As he gazed from the window of his small two-bedroom flat, he let out a breath of melancholy. his eyes stared at the exact spot where it all began. where his _life_, arguably, began.

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Parting The Pack: Prologue (SFW)

While inserting his disc of "the nightmare before yule" into the hamsung player, stephan uttered a melancholy whimper, contemplating the worst-case scenario with his father's involvement, if any, with his new affair.

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Rukhgert Stern, the griffin. (Chapter 6)

If it is warm enough, i can use my wings as an umbrella and cover a friend in light rain, and you, at any time can cover your friends from melancholy. your wings embrace can also be felt, and not only to you, rukh. it attracts others.

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Through A Glass Darkly - 1

As she looked at the book, a melancholy fell over her, the smile she'd worn since seeing luna fading at last. "what does it say?" asked luna.

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He didn't always have the desire to shout, or to cry, or even to let himself become melancholy. maybe it was just now, last night having been all souls night, and so close to wallace's birthday.

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Tales of Alexandira: Winter break day 2.5

Even though he isn't the most happy person on terra, cyrus was notably melancholy. he hadn't heard from someone who was almost always on his mind.

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The Last Taboo

"well," sighed corey, still melancholy but far away from the spiral of fear and despair he had previously fallen into, "i'm glad you understand.

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New Dawn: The Way East

As much as i looked forward to this trip each year, this year i was actually a bit melancholy about leaving. this was the first year that we'd actually had a steady home that we would be comin' back to, too.

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