Ascenscion Run Rampant...

Darkfyre, stunned, merely sat back on the makeshift cot. slowly, oh so slowly for the ignorant creature, he spoke like a god malificient, "where. am. i? we? if that helps you think..."

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Northern Territories, Pt. 1

Woolen blankets adorned the walls and the makeshift bed which he was laying in, all handmade by the looks of them.

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Enter Kage, the Elven Prince!

He found shelter underneath a large, low canopy of leaves and made a makeshift pillow with leaves. kage put his head down and stared up towards the stars and eventually fell asleep. if he were to go home, he would be a goner.

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Lila of the Reptilydes Part 8

Within seconds his blood had stained her makeshift bandage. "help!" she hollered, "help us please!" she could hear the sounds of the guards' tails moving quickly through the grass. she sat down in the grass, knowing she couldn't move him very far.

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The Fall a Story of a Young Pup part 3

Finding a few rags she comes back and ties him up a new makeshift diaper. sam looks up at her as he is all clean and smiles feeling a lot better. his shorts rip on some metal as alex picks them up. he starts to sniffle looking at you.

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His Destiny (part 4)

Constant exercise, and they have to face a huge battle after not training for long, lucky was still faint and i was worried but cickorita said: \ after that totodile put him in a makeshift


A Thief's Adventure

He fetched his scarf from the bush and wrapped up everything he could carry, tying it up like a makeshift sack, and marching away with his plunder. tonight, he would eat like a king.

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Alison Everett Bio

On her days off, she'd still help the residents of the sector with repairs to their tech before returning to her makeshift home to continue modifying her life's work.

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Voided Traveller: Chapter 1

A halberd acted as a makeshift walking stick, made of dark wood and blackened steel.

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Starting Over Chapter 4

Now it was a makeshift base, metal of varying sizes and shapes had been used to blockade most of the entrances and all ways in were guarded.

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Against All Odds: Part 12 - Reflections

He was annoyed with himself for taking out his frustration on alexei, for letting his pride get the better of him to the point where he'd skulked off to sit here alone in the dim light of his makeshift bedroom.

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Ch. 10: War

The makeshift outpost before him was concealed well and had allowed the enemy to hide with relative ease near their territories.

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