Lila of the Reptilydes Part 8

Story by Komaira on SoFurry

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#4 of Lila of the Reptilydes

The reptilyde looked like a regular naga, but he had hidden skin flaps that attached to his head and connected down at his back. They only were visible when he was in fight mode, which he was now.

Lila hoped that her scream would alert the guards and they would come in after them, blades drawn and at the ready for a fight.

Zeke slowly moved forward, off the sword so that it no longer impaled him, the sword making as much of a horrid sound as it did when it went it. Zeke grimaced against the pain and drew his own sword.

"Hurting the prince of an allied Kingdom and attacking the princess of an enemy one is as good as declaring war on both kingdoms at once. I hope you are prepared to explain to King Slyzor why his nephew now hates him," Zeke said.

A look of complete horror came over the face of the hooded reptilyde as recognition dawned. He started babbling apologies that went unheard by Zeke as he calmly drew back his sword and impaled the reptilyde through the stomach.

"There," Zeke panted, "a wound for a wound. The one I gave you will kill you slowly. My blade is polished with poison each morning. It'll give you enough time to get home and tell your King of what has transpired and let you live a few days in prison for your crimes. If you're lucky, maybe my uncle will have mercy on your suffering soul and take your head."

The hooded reptilyde made a dive for Lila, trying one last time to hurt her. Lila turned trying to shield Sormay. Zeke clashed his sword against the reptilyde's in an effort to keep anyone from getting hurt; neither succeeded very well.

Lila's arm was cut slightly; Sormay's tail got scraped just enough to make him bleed, which started him crying.

In anger, Zeke slashed the reptilyde's are and tail, retaliation for Lila and Sormay. Zeke then held the sword tip to the reptilyde's throat.

"Leave," he growled, "now! Before I decide to have you sent back in pieces to your king."

"Either way I'm dead," the reptilyde said, "what's the difference?"

"The difference is whether you would like to be tortured before you die or not," Zeke said, his face getting paler by the second.

Lila saw the blood seeping out of his wound, the crimson liquid trickling down his side and disappearing against the dark black of the scales on his tail. He was losing too much of the precious life-force. She needed to get him to s doctor soon.

The reptilyde gave them one last glare and slithered off, a crimson trail the only sign that someone else besides them had been there.

As the reptilyde slithered away to tell his King of what had transpired, Lila could see the adrenaline that had kept Zeke going was fading fast.

She tore a strip of her shirt and quickly bandaged Sormay's tail. She glided quickly over to Zeke, catching him just before he collapsed.

"Someone will be here soon to help," She said, praying she spoke the truth. She tore another two strips to bandage his side and arm. Zeke was breathing heavily and his eyes were closed. Within seconds his blood had stained her makeshift bandage.

"Help!" She hollered, "Help us please!"

She could hear the sounds of the guards' tails moving quickly through the grass. She sat down in the grass, knowing she couldn't move him very far. She cuddled him close, bringing Sormay nearer to her body. He was crying quietly, looking around with wide eyes. She supposed he was waiting for the reptilyde to come back and hurt them again.

Zeke had passed out from blood loss by the time the guards arrived. Sormay had stopped crying and was dozing, sucking on his thumb. Two guards picked Zeke up and headed for the castle. Another approached her.

"Would you like to be carried too princess?" he asked.

"No," she said, standing, "I'm ok I think. It's just a scratch. I'll be fine. I'm more worried about Zeke."

"He will be good as new by the time the healer gets done with him," the guard said, taking her elbow and offering her strength if she needed it.

As Lila glided through the palace doors, Sormay snuggled close against her chest, she was met by her very nervous looking father and five very pissed off brothers; and it wasn't easy to anger Dmitri.

Dyremus rushed to hold his daughter close and inspected her for injuries. He then plucked Sormay from her arms and inspected his wounds. He wasn't troubled by the cut on the young one's arm; accidental cuts while hatching were quite common. He was troubled by the cut on the boy's tail though; a wound like that could stunt growth and cause major problems later in life.

He turned to the guard that had helped Lila, "Take her to the healer, have her attended to by the head healer herself, Healer Mary."

The guard saluted and led Lila past her fuming brothers. The guard took her upstairs and into the infirmary. He pushed her down onto the cot and went to get the healer.

It was only mid morning but already she was exhausted. She wanted to lie down and sleep for a week but she knew her wound and Sormay's wounds would need attending to before she could rest easily. The hooded reptilyde's sword could very easily have been covered in something that could harm them both.