Tainted Glory (Chapter 8)
Meanwhile locke had been enjoying the company of the mien siblings, getting to discuss things that weren't related to war and not having to worry about fighting all the time either.
Retractile Dysfunction
Jarzyl shook her paw and tried once again, but her claws refused to lock in position. she could physically strain her muscles to keep her claws extended, but that was very tiring and made her paw tremble. "see? they don't lock.
K-495 chapter 4
I did as he said, nodding fast, panting hard, and locked the forward hatch, before jamming a wench in between the latch and the wall, keeping the hatch shut in the event they got the lock open.
[Draft] Star Wars: Right vs Easy - Deleated Scenes
"i'd hoped i would never have to be in remnant territories again," locke said softly. "and if anywhere, at least not here."
Ricky vs Seon [Sparring Match]
Ricky tightened the hold, shaking the leopard some to keep him locked in. "how 'bout...no."
Contained - Mouse Story
Drink, food, and makin' sure that he's under lock and key." sure enough, i could feel the bonds behind my back tighten as i tried to sit up.
A Thief's Adventure
Untucking the hairpin from his teeth, our thief approached the lockbox and handily picked the lock open as if he'd done it a thousand times before.
Trailblazer Part 10
Before magnum can even switch his stance, tam'vez springs to life and within a second both lock their blades again.
Hair Dye and Iced Coffee
Just a few locks." "sounds cool. what color?" niall asked, brushing some of the locks of his own hair out of his face. "the locks i'm getting done are gonna be a brighter red then my normal hair color," the dark red fox answered.
Doom: Rise of Evil Ch.1: Arrival.
Access denied, please repeat identification." the computer lock said. "master sergant thomas kelly." the male said again. "access granted." the lock opened, revieling a weapons cache: machine guns, pistols, shotguns, plasma guns and a bfg 9000.
Survival - Chapter One - Beginnings
Avralain scrambled to the door of her apartment to lock locked it. luckily, she was on the second floor of her building, so she didn't have to worry about the windows. as she got to her door, she glanced outside quickly.
My College Story Ch 7
They agian locked up christian succeed to get adrian on the ground and then got him into a head lock, everyone got quite and my heart just about stopped because usually when christian used this move the fight was over, but not tonight.