Chapter II - Challenge

That the labourers might have comfortable rest.

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The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Contact and Assesment

The result was new viable animal hybrid species (unless the masters desired neuters) whose new functions would be to provide their new masters with manual labor, and perform other functions.

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Homeless Fox

Ever since the cheap otter labor invaded my fare city, i've been jobless and on the streets. those otters work for fucking nothing. yet they some how feed the families of 13 or however many fucking spawn they have.

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Chisagi Fore Hire

But, physical labor rather it be helping with the unloading of cargo or working on a farm was about the only option available to people like him. it wasn't easy to work your way up in the world.

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The Helix Ion Part 4

She raised her muzzle; "i'm pregnant, nearly in labour, no money coming in and the government spending the rest on that stupid war."

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(Fanfiction) Shirokuma's Café

And you have great tolerance, of course... to tolerate me even though i irritate you by acting dumb with my puns and wake you up in winter to help me do some manual labour."

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The Pride - Chapter 7

"avoiding a lengthy history lesson what happened was that the rich and powerful lost most of their work force and found a way to keep a cheap labour force.

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Viggo's Redemption (Prologue)

My task that night was to assassinate him to give the working class a chance to rise above their oppressors whilst the labour political party elect a new landlord, someone with fairer motives. below lord sinnitt's balcony sat another problem: sherly.

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Bai Leang - The Jade Warrior

Their farm is one of the few farms in the village that doesn't grow rice, they grow vegetables and wheat for the village which meant a bit more labour. getting down and dirty to tend to the crops. "i'm going to go make the kids something to eat."

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The bear's woods

The accountant rarely did any physical labour, he wasn't sure why his friends insisted on him carrying the cooler. the man grunted and dropped the cooler next to their tent and looked at the two friends who dragged him out here.

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A Growing Family

While kate's mother, eve was tending to her while she was in labour, humphrey, stinky, claudette, and runt had to wait outside until they were ready. "i'm actually hoping for another girl."

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