Besides, iris wanted to go back and he knew that he had no strength to stop her, in the end he will be the one winning this taunting battle, as short lived as this victory will be, it will give him the much needed break from iris.
Character Development, Dragon, Dragoness, Fanfiction, Fantasy, Legend Of Spyro, Story, Story Progression, Story Series
iris said just as raybia's message came through. samantha ran to her office and brought out two harnesses for her and iris and began strapping in rubicant.
"now what's happening?" he asked.
Adreena, Altair, Bulorian, Capitol ship, Derlenian, Iris, Julyna, Loveloss, Mateship, Phalynian, Raybia, Rubicant, Samantha, Tini, Tygera, Tygorian, Vulpanari, Zalina, planet
We must do what we are created for, we must kill to survive"
"iris is crazy alright?
Character Development, Cynder, Dragon, Dragoness, Fanfiction, Fantasy, Fighting, Legend Of Spyro, Plot Development, Story, Story Progression, Story Series, Violence (Not In Yiff)
It all sounded harsh and brutal, something that he didn't gather from iris' almost psychotic desire to locate her mom.
Character Development, Cynder, Dragon, Dragoness, Fanfiction, Fantasy, Legend Of Spyro, Spyro, Story, Story Progression, Story Series
Please remember that you can't save everybody, iris is unstable and dangerous, i don't want to see you getting hurt"
flare shook his head.
"iris isn't dangerous, the beast is"
cynder cocked her head "beast?"
Character Development, Clean, Cynder, Dragon, Dragoness, Fanfiction, Fantasy, Legend Of Spyro, Spyro, Story, Story Progression, Story Series
His sister was barely awake just like iris in fact, he wasn't sure if she would be happy to be compared to her enemy but it is how it is.
Character Development, Cynder, Dragon, Dragoness, Fanfiction, Fantasy, Legend Of Spyro, Spyro, Story, Story Progression, Story Series
iris? iris is playing the harp! she doesn't seem to notice me. her eyes are closed and she seems to be in a trance of sorts. her playing is beautiful. i've never heard the melody but i already feel like i've known it for years.
Plot Development, Raptor, empty, sparring
But iris says that you're not. so let her explain it" he sighs and looks up to the sky.
he sighs again. "yes. iris. is that so difficult to comprehend, to your thinking box?" he laughs a little. "she's our seeker. and she sought you out.
Fighting, Magic, Plot Development, Raptor, Short, Training
It took a while to get down but eventually, i saw the familiar faces of shay, draco and of course, iris.
Jammering, Lion, Plot Development, Raptor, Shark, Snake, Swan, Tiger
I can't see iris for a while longer... "raven" she turns to him, obviously taking some pleasure in the moment. "you'll take care of iris. she'll need to look around the ruins of zero division.
Lion, Magic, Mouse, Plot Development, Raptor, Shark, Snake