Story Challenge #1

In the end, whether you're an artificial intelligence or a meatbag like me, you'll inevitably do stupid shit. and sometimes stupid shit is okay, so long as you learn from it.

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Xritimoz History

That is very intelligent, and has made many of their own technology. from that intelligent they have made many usefully things you would think of to have been made in the future.


Lab Report, Dr. Renat Rodion: Study of Subject 13, "Echo", and Local Wildlife

Indeterminate data to conclude the moi (measure of intelligence) of this world. vegetation is highly carnivorous, yet there is no display of intelligence on their part.

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Windows to the Soul - chap. 5-6 - by Skyfox

Other planets have beings with greater intelligence but they have not advanced to a level of knowledge that can help us. planets such as yours have many beings capable of great intelligence.

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Excerpt: Bestiakin

On **species name:** bestiakin **origins:** bestiakin are transfigured wild animals through the arcane science known as thaumaturgy **average height:** varies from branch to branch **average lifespan:** varies from branch to branch **intelligence

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Fur Story: Book I: The Rise - The Prologue

The furs are ostracized with claims that their intelligence isn't up to par with that of the humans; that they are not in god's image and therefore inferior.

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Poem #32: Society

Less than what is nothing perfection is a myth as is normalicy weirdness is the norm uniqueness shared by all inherit title, status wealth never inherit more but royalty in lineage never to inherit more hard-work morals and intelligence

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Limbo Lower (Otherwise Untitled)

#246 of short stories a ship's intelligence misunderstands the intentions of those who've come to salvage.

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Seven

[personality]: proud, high nosed, neat freak, fan of fashion and looks, well groomed, powerful, intelligent, slightly foolish. [disposition: skilled at magic and combat, major fight.

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Deep Space - Chapter 7, Unfortunate

Show 'em there's intelligent life on the planet. intelligent life that breathes oxygen same as us." [gamma] "oh. so i've gone from leader of the humans, to specimen. great." "exactly." "no! not true. you're more than that." [alpha] "really?"


GTU - Genesis of failure

You see when the creatures evolve their minds change intelligence increases but to a limited level. he has the intelligence of a 4 year old. completely harmless. dr. alphonas carefully examined the animal.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Ten

He knew the onboard intelligence went rampant but there were rumors of it being seen guarding the system, such as when it destroyed the shipyard.

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