Skylands: Large Living
It was insulting to one's lineage and disrespectful to the adopted tahvic race. while charging into battle, though, following the ill-conceived tactics of a newcomer wizard, he resented them even more.
A Lover's Lament
Refined a path weathered familiar a figure wandering as if to forget brown eyes glistening woeful trotting along the path worn as he the lament of his love two lovers a sin to the masses a disgrace hardship insult
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 2
Too bad it takes some insults and even more shouting to reach this point, but hey, it could be worse, right?"
The Risen Curtain - Chapter 6: Unexpected Developments
The two sides, separated by the wired fence, were throwing insults at each other.
Paper Rebels (pt2)
Dalreto insulted. "they don't care that you've quitted. they want to talk with you still," grodacio kept his worried voice.
Stories in Six Words
insulted dragons? better have fire insurance. she died, and he was lost. for sale: exotic dildo, slightly used. in darkness, their true selves revealed. wow! such memes! references deserve punishment. one bite. wolf lives.
Part 23
"you insult me sir," the bear said with a smile. "but i can make do." he disappeared in the back through a swinging door, shouting something in italian at the other workers.
Enigma Wars: First Assignment (for MissEcho)
Echo slyly insulted him. "enigma scum." maverick insulted back, and swung at her again with both of his sabers this time. echo blocked, but was having trouble keeping her saber up, because maverick was, or is stronger than her.
Broken Legacy: Index
Aruetii-traitor/outsider/foreigner vod-brother aruetyc-traitorous buir-father ba'vodu-uncle ad'ika-son/daughter beskar'gam-mandalorian armor beskar-mandalorian iron barve-insult, can be either endearing or offensive gra'tua-vengance cin vhetin-a
Emulation Practice: Upstate Doggo
insulted by the lack of attention, he smashed a hole through the wall and charged down the street.
Chapter 1: First Strike
"now i have instructed the servants to insult, mock and harass you at their leisure.
From The Eyes of The Beast
He asked insultingly. she tried to think up a responding insult, but she couldn't. her mind was too foggy to do much else than keep her alive. "thought so."