Bound by Matrimony - Chapter 1: Truth and Lies
She had a crush on him from the start, she counted that as infatuation though in time it evolved and she has a loving affection to him. it was that one perk in being a villain to one handsome wolf that could carry make your world special.
Chapters Seven and Eight
'then let me show you the source of my infatuation.' every thought, every feeling, every moment that i spent with her save for a select few, i sent to the fox so that he could fully understand my love for her.
Defending The Boss
The item that had infatuated brutus was a music box, larger than most but still easily able to fit atop the cabinet. the ornate piece was operated by a crank on the side, which brutus was slowly turning.
Blood and Dirt and Bone
For infatuation. idiot. stupid fucking idiot. it took a moment for him to realise there were tears in his eyes. "are they even going to clean away the blood?" misha whimpered.
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Fourteen
"you're so infatuated with that creature that you haven't realized just how little she actually cares for you." "that's not true!" mortoph rolled his eyes in exasperation. "don't lie to me, boy.
The Dragon, His Guard, and the Dragonfly
Sparx said, continuing to infatuate the apes with his talking. "you follow the little purple rascal whenever he goes, have to make sure that he is safe and well at all the time, and you need to make sure that he does not gets into troubles.
Dragons Fury Chapter 1-the Dragon Awakes pt. 1
Were giggling as well behind my back as i dusted myself off "now i believe some introduction are in order" i said as i indicated to the group of girls, "i'm sarina" the dragoness piped up almost immediately then quieted down to stop herself looking like an infatuated
The Riders 3
She was a really close friend to both me and ahn, she often joked that i was so infatuated with her that if i were any more so that she would be trying to kiss ahn herself. _"hello felhorn,"_i said entering the barn.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.09: Revelations - Ep04
And... well, as you might have guessed, panja got a quick infatuation for the wolf.
Tabitha Crane, Chapter III: Neighborhood #2 (Laïka)
Gods, was this infatuation? i couldn't. she was massive--there was no way _dating_ could work like that, right? and the feeling couldn't possibly be mutual. besides.
wander ~ Chapter 15
What if it's just some kind of infatuation, some kind of "hey, this is new so i want to try it out"? what if, what if-) "hey, um... dad?"
Adipose City: Extra Spicy
Unfortunately teriyaki loathed the woman as much as cloudbottom infatuated yamato. to teriyaki, beedeedee was a tramp that shamed her heritage... and there was a bit of jealousy though teriyaki would never admit it even to herself.