"Daggers of Darkness, Book 2, The Heart of Élendor": Chapter-4
Turning back to the main holo-display, james said, "we're sending you the coordinates." rha'an looked down to her right a moment, and then back forward. /\* "_we have them, james.
Stellar Wayfarer: Three
Sevin adds, not looking away from the emitted display that the holo computer projects from atop his left wrist.
Enigma Wars: First Assignment (for MissEcho)
Sandy pulls out a holo-plan, and a image came up showing the base, "will enter through the under water vents and deactivate their communications and power.
Subjugation, Ch 5
The viliti brought up several holo-screens and started poring over the data that was there. herik saw news articles, civilian records, property listings, and flight documentation among them.
FireFall AU: Thorn's Descent
As the holo vanished i saw what must have so terrified mr ashworth. the arclight was right outside the window.
Void Incursions Chapter 2: Arrival
She materialized herself on her holo-projector and made herself look as presentable as possible. "general alkir! how nice to see you again so soon."
The Legendary Crystal Beast Deck
My lp:4000 his lp:4000 the holo-projectors launched from my duel disk. "let's duel." we both said and drew our five cards. "before we get this duel underway, what's your name?" i asked "the name is trayvon miller. the ancient gear duelist".
Beta Team: Black Ops, p1 (incomplete)
Reaching into his thigh pocket he pulls out a holo-projector. pulling up a map he points at a red blinking dot on a floor below theirs. "we need to go down six floors. he's on the fifteenth, not the twenty-first."
A New World, A New Journey Chapter 9
I got adrienne's holo-caster number, so we can stay in contact." i looked at him with an raised eyebrow and knowing smile. calem saw that and stuttered while getting a bit red. "äh öh... i mean... to... stay in contact for... a rematch!
Isolation-Excerpt 22-Primal
What i would say was about a 100 or so feet later i came another cross in the ducts and went to my right, which put me above the heads of a security blockade i could see four guards packing fal osws with eo tech holo sights and foregrips.
Void Incursions Chapter 1: Contact
Korrella materialized herself on a small centrally located holo-projector located in her processing clusters. it was protocol when interacting with any biological that you could not just "be a voice", that you had to represent yourself as one of them.
A previous verson of my story idea, please not this is a beta version of my story line written long ago
Anticeptic and antibacterial spray was pugent in the air, a underlying tiant of death and sickness lingered in the waiting room, the nurse behind the checkout counter paid them no heed and kept watching a soap opra drama on a old holo-view