The Rise of Serpens: Serpens Meets his First Convert

Sequel to a job at the zoo serpens meets his first convert by born2beagator it had been a day since chris had fully transformed and taken his place with his mate karina.


Chapter 4 (Des-Berfo High): In His Eyes

He pressed two fingers tight to his jugular, steadying his paw to check his pulse. sectionals always got his heart racing. devon walked casually over one of the mirrors hanging near the sinks.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 7.1 - Suspension of His Belief

The turtle was still in his civilian clothes, ragged and beaten, bandages covering his eye, his belly and his leg with nary a wheeze from his lungs.

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The Hunter of Baile Chapter 1: A Boy and his Farm

Which only worsened his foul mood. finally, he ended his chores by combing out norths' mane.

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The Night He Danced His Way Into My Heart

He took my hand and i took his, my arm over his shoulder and his hand upon my waist. despite there being no music at all, he lead me into a rhythm of his own, even humming whilst we began.

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The Teacher's Pet Project Insert: The Horse Tells His Story

With that the vulpine drew his two swords, which he kept in two crossed scabbards on his back, and turned to lock his gaze on the younger mage.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 7.2 - His Fall From Grace

Trembling from his horns, zura flashed a sudden light froim his head that forced an extra ounce of strength through his claws.

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Tales of Dalkr - How Dalkr Gained his Red Fur

"i still wish to see some performance of magic, i need entertainment after all," the giant bellowed, thudding his massive fist against his brimstone throne. the guards laughed and chuckled at this.

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His Rise, Terra IV: Forgotten Evil "Glimmering Dawn"

The father shook his head, rubbing the bridge of his nose. turning back over to her with a big smile on his face. "you wanna hear about your mom? i'd be happy to tell you a story about her." he scratched his chin for a moment, snapping his fingers.

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The story of the fox who liked to put meat in his mouth

The fox put the meat in his mouth. "cut!" the fox was free to go.


The Unique Snivy And His Big Adventure: Chapter Three Clearing The Air

Can you explain it all" sitting down legs together curling his tail around his legs. daisy: placing down the bowl of food on the ground.

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