The Teacher's Pet Project Insert: The Horse Tells His Story

Story by Tanuskidoodle on SoFurry

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#4 of Teacher's Pet Project (On hold for now)

This is an insert piece for Chapter two of the RP "Teacher's Pet Project", which I am making with SilverrFox. In this piece, you will find out the back story of Lucius, the head of the Medical Magic Department.

To go to the chapter, follow this link:

The Teacher's Pet Project Insert 2: The Horse Tells His Story

I know what you're feeling, Alexander. All too well, in fact. I want to tell you a story. You might learn something, if you care to listen.

About twenty years ago, there was a young mage who attended this school. Like you, he had trouble when it came to properly socializing and building intimate relationships with his teachers and fellow students, but that is where your similarities end. The equine had a habit picking fights with other students, all of which he won. He tired so much of defeating students in sanctioned training and exam matches that, and he came up with a horrible idea. He quickly became proficient in healing magic so that, when an opponent was almost out of fight, he could heal him and keep the match going. Soon, he resorted to fighting outside of teacher supervision.

After he got bored with challenging his fellow students, he had the thought to challenge the academy's teachers. He was so excited by the idea that one night he decided to challenge the next teacher he saw. Man or woman, new or seasoned. It didn't matter who. It happened that a teacher was walking his way. He took one step toward the instructor, and the man spoke to him.

In a strong, stern voice, the red cloaked teacher said to the student, "I know full well who you are, boy. I've been sent by the headmaster to have a talk with you. Your headstrong and unbalanced ways are disruptive to the harmony that this school strives to achieve, and I will not allow you to continue down this path." With his speech finished the instructor took a fighting stance, prompting the over eager student to charge, headlong, into battle.

The colt used focused his mana into his fists as he rushed towards the red cloaked instructor. He threw a punch at the mage, who jumped out into the air and left his cape to cover the boy. Blinded, the teen ran face first into a tree. The angered equine tossed away his cloak in a fit of rage, just as the teacher, who turned out to be a jet furred fox, landed gently on his feet.

With his back facing the student, the now nude vulpine said in a straight forward manner, "I've seen your recent matches. Your pugilist skills are impressive, to be sure, but you won't beat me by simply throwing your fists around." With that the vulpine drew his two swords, which he kept in two crossed scabbards on his back, and turned to lock his gaze on the younger mage.

The blades reflected the light of the pale moon as the fox swiped his bare foot across the ground, causing a wave of earth twice the size of the boy to surge toward him. When the horse smashed the wave in half, the fox, now falling from the air, put both of his swords together and brought them down to slash at the student. The fighter mage did connect at forceful blow on the swordsman's stomach. The instructor released his swords to fall onto the ground as his body went limp, held up by the young caster's clenched hoof. As the older mage's face was painted with agony, the colt looked victoriously at the older fur.

Just then, he realized that he couldn't move his feet. He looked down to see that his hindhooves were bound to a metal bar and that the blade of one of the swords was gone. Before he knew it, the equine was falling toward the ground; the older mage had seized his hoof, used it to stand on his paws, flipped forward, and kicked the unsuspecting horse on the back with.

The fox landed on the small of the teen's back, barring the lad from being able to move. After the younger mage's hands hit the ground the teacher clasped his paws together, causing the spare blade to restrain equine's hooves in the same manner as his feet. He then stepped off the colt's back and used his footpaw to turn the teen onto his back.

Looking down at the struggling colt, the vulpine gets on his knees and gently caresses the horse's face. He saw that the equine was losing his energy and declared, 'You have fought well, little colt. That is the only praise you will receive from me until you learn to respect your teachers, respect your fellow students, and most of all respect yourself. You should know that metal is one of my own design; it's made for draining the mana out of whoever is touching it. Soon you will lose consciousness, and I will begin exploring the real secrets of your body.'

The last thing the horse saw was the site of the fox tearing away his robe in one swipe of his paw, leaving him naked and exposed before he passed out.

Now, I'm sure you've figured out by now that the young stallion was me and that the teacher was Silverr. That's all I have time to tell you for now. I promise that I'll tell you more if we get any more time. But, I do want you to understand this, Alexander: SilverrFox has your best interests at heart.

He is the epitome of balance. He has the capacity to be compassionate, loving, and protective, but, at times, he is no more than he has to be. He can also be vicious, cold hearted, and aggressive, but he acts no more so than he has to. He knows what he is doing.

The reason he pushes you so hard is that he sees your potential. The more he believes in a fur, the tougher he is on them. I know it's hard to believe; after all you've never had a mentor, let alone one so stern. But you can trust him with your very life. You are in good hands.