Revenge of The Nerds - Furry Style
guy is a fox with blond fur, with emerald green eyes.
Another Eevee's Story - Chapter One
The nidoran looked annoyed at the boy, snorting a little, but it just went back to guarding the other two, and the boy walked a ways into the forest, munching on a bar of some kind.
A Vampire's Kiss
Daniel said, he rang a bell and up came a human boy servant "yes masters?" the child said. "wow!" he shouted as he saw logan's black polished leather snow boots. "could i try them?" said the boy.
Orange Soda Acid Trip: Chapter one. The Boy murderer.
Eventually over a year's time they had just been keeping them away from the boy at all costs. it became hard for the boy to smile again.
BBC Robin Hood: How Much fell in love
guy told him no and then he pushed him into the room and locked the door. guy walked in and mathea looked at him. "what are you doing in here sir guy?" guy answered "i wanted to talk to you but the sheriff is forcing us to have fun."
Tribes Culture Descriptions
Almost animal males once the growing season is over.
Fox Curse
As curious as she was as to what a boy fox was like, she figured this was probably for the best.
Teddy Bear
Theo sensed that this boy was plagued by something that his parents couldn't help with. he sensed that the fear in his eyes was from the very thing he was built to fight. he wanted to help this boy, but the boy had to choose him.
Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (6)
The face of the boy became quickly excited and full of joy. "of course but.... isn´t it dangerous?" "of course not. come. sit down on my legs. " the boy followed as told.
To protect life - Chapter 1, A GHOSTLY BOY
Where is the boy?" "there was a boy" asked porkchop, a little worried and trying to found someone else in the room. indeed that strange boy that didn't bothered with the flames wasn't there anymore.
The Shaman's Tale
When he would look at his male friends as they wrestled and fought, he would find himself entertaining thoughts about them, thoughts that males only thought about females.
Demon God Chapter 1 (not to be continued)
The general glared at the pale skinned boy. the general was getting angry. "state your business here boy!" he almost yelled. the boy kept ignoring him, continuing with his slow tune.